Chapter 40

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He was sitting on the bed with his face in his hands. "Tommy?" He didn't respond, so I walked over to him. "You okay?" He still didn't respond so I knelt down in from of him and pulled his hands from his face but he kept his eyes closed. " look at me... Please" he opened his eyes and they were red.

"You okay?" Classic Tommy he's doesn't care about his pain he only cares about other people, one of his good qualities, but he can't bottle up his feeling all the time and this time I'm not letting him do this to himself.

"Don't worry about me, I'm worried about you"

"I'm supposed to worry about--" I cut him.

"I'm fine okay... But your not, I could see it and you don't have to hide it from me" a tear slipped out but he quickly looked away and I cuffed his cheek with my hand and turned his face back to me. "Hey, it's okay--" he cut me off and believe it or not this is the first time I had ever seen Tommy cry other times he only shed one tear... Right now it was rivers.

"No it's not, that's not my kid... I--I just" he stopped talking and hung his down, I just embraced him in a hug and he held me so tight but he didn't sob the tears just poured out without a sound. "First you.... Now my kid?" I pulled his head from my shoulder so that out eyes met.

"I'm here now and I'm not leaving you, not again.... I'm here for you, whatever you need, I'm not going anywhere" I started to cry, he wiped the tears away and I chuckled, he nodded and I got up "Just wait and I'll be back" I got up and walked out of the bedroom

"Is he okay?" Nat asked.

"He will be" I nodded and Nat ran up to me and hugged me, I immediately hugged back and we both started crying.

"I've missed you so much, I'm sorry I did this to you" she started to sob louder.

"It's okay Nat, I'm fine but you have to be strong" I felt her shake her head.

"I-- I can't.... I'm not as strong as you.... I'm not even half that, your so strong, and brave... I'm not strong I'm weak, and I'm definitely not brave."

"Stop it, you are strong, and brave, you are... it's just to much for you to handle and honestly I'm not as put together as I seem... I worry all the time, I barely could sleep alone, I'm wondering how am I going to make all of the Bella crap end, how soon could I do it, what is she planning next... and the only reason I'm brave is because that's what I was told to do, that's who I was told to be.... So I get up and dust off... But inside I'm dying... I'm this girl that went through a lot but always gets up to fight.... and that's who I am, a girl that always has to fight to survive. So I honestly don't know how I manage to do it everyday but I do and you can to, you have to at least try and fight" we finally pulled away from the hug and Nat stopped crying.

"Well you actually hide it great... Like real good" I chuckled.

"I do?"

"Honestly, but I really miss my best friend" I smiled.

"I miss mine to... but I have-- you know what stay, if you want to?"

"Yes I really need someone right now"

"Okay, I'm always here for you, thunder" I held out my pink, she intertwined her pink with mine.

"Lightning" she said and I looked at Ben.

"Ben she staying... so go home" he just nodded and walked out, I can't help but feel bad for him I mean he did do this to himself but honestly even tho we're not together anymore I still care about him.

"And I'm really sorry, both of you" he said before he closed the door behind him and both Nat and I sighed.

"Well I'll go talk to tommy try to settle his mind from all of this and I'll be right back" Nat nodded and sat at the table, I turned on my heel and walked to the bedroom. When I walked in he had this worried look on his face and I sighed because I know he heard what I said early to Nat.

"I know you told me not to worry about you but--" I cut him off.

"I hardly worry about me... So you don't have to and besides... Its about you now not me... and Nat's staying with us, if you don't mind?" he didn't push the part about worrying about me any further, which I am thankful for.

"Its okay, I don't mind" I walked over to him.

"I'll lay here with you if you want?" He nodded and I crawled in the bed. "Come here" he crawled over to me and rested his head on my chest and I began to brush my fingers through his hair, we cuddled until he fell sleep which surprisingly didn't take as long as I thought it would. I really feel bad for him that kid was the only child he had that he wanted and it wasn't even his child, now the only child he has is a daughter for Bella which he doesn't even want. Come to think of it now I want that chocolate but I'm trapped and I really don't want to wake him up so I'm screwed, all I could do right now is think and I'm trying to run away from thinking because it's just stressing me out and I don't need me to over think about something then stress myself out even more than I already am. I waited a few minutes and I finally escaped Tommy's trap and went back out front to Nat.


A/N. Sorry for this useless chapter but if I continued to write you would have two chapters in one sooooooo to make it up to you, you will have a double update, so right after this chapter you will get another. Anyways enough with my rambling, thanks for reading <3😘 and see you in the next chapter 😉.

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