Chapter 64

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"I'm going to bed and Ben I owe you a house... Yours is wrecked" I said as soon as we walked through the door.

"Don't worry about it" he said.

"Dad make sure one of the things on your list of things to do tonight is calling Charlete for a cover up story and have the police clean the mess and if they get a lead on any trace of someone other than Gonzalez and his men were in that house eliminate it" he nodded as I started to walk up the stairs.

"Goodnight" Nat said.

"Yeah" I replied and I went into my room, took a shower and climbed into bed then the door opened.

"You okay sis?" Alex asked.

"Yeah I'm fine Alex, I'm just tired"

"Okay then I'll leave you to it" Alex left then about ten minutes later Tommy opened the door, walked in and closed it and he got into the bed.

"I know you're not asleep" he said and I turned over to face him. "Why didn't you tell me this was bugging you the whole time?"

"Because I thought I could handle it... Turns out I can't"

"Of course you can't, you lost your child she was a part of you I don't think you'll ever get over that, trust me I know how it feels" I started to cry again and Tommy moved closer and he wiped my tears away. "You'll be fine just give it some time and until then... You can cry all you want because I'm right here" I stopped and I turned over and Tommy came closer to me and put his arm around me.


I heard ambulance sirens in the distance and I started to look around, then I looked overhead and I realized I was the El grande hotel. I began to slowly walk down the block when I saw a girl lying in the middle of the road and another girl with the first one's head in her lap and she was crying and as I got closer to the girls I saw who it was and my jaw dropped and tears flooded and I dropped to my knees crying.

"Noooooo! Why?! Of all the places here! I can't take it anymore! Make it stop!" I cried. Then Nat turned around to me.

"Its gonna be okay cat just wake up" I looked at her confused. "Wake up!" She yelled and my eyes shot open to see Tommy.


"What happened?" Tommy asked as he held me and I took a deep breath as the tears fell.

"I had a nightmare" he looked at me questionably and his face went straight.

"Had or been having?" He asked me.

"Had, I only happened once" I lied but obviously he saw right through me.

"That is not the reaction of someone who has had their the very first nightmare of something so don't lie to me" He said firmly.

"I'm not" I lied again.

"I'm not going to fight with you because we had a deal and since I already know your lying I know the answer... How long?"

"I told you I haven't been having nightmares this is the first one Tommy" I lied straight through my teeth for the third time even though he already knows and now his face shows complete rage.

"Cat if you lie to one more time don't expect to see me ever again" he used my only weakness against me... Loosing someone I love. He doesn't know it but I can't live without him and I don't know why I feel like that or how; all I know is I can't.

"I've been having them twice a week, for four months" I said quickly. "Just... Just, please don't leave me" I cried.

"I won't and I couldn't even if I wanted to, but please just stop with all the acts I know you're not fine but I can't help if I don't know the problem and if not everybody else just tell me I'm always here for you, okay? So what did you see?" He began to rub my back.

"I saw me lying on the floor in the middle of the road by the cafe, Nat was with me on the floor, she was crying and the ambulance was coming." I said.

"You've been having nightmares of your daughter dying?" I nodded and I held onto him tighter.


A/N. Helllllloooo I know I haven't written an author's note since foreverrrrr but like I said I'm lazy and I moved but I'm here again and I'm soooooooo sorrrryyyyy this was another useless and short chapter but again if I continued it would've been to long. Anywayyyyysss let me know what you guys think and I'm sorry the book is about to end soon it hurts me more than it hurts you but like I said there are more books to commme🤗. Anyways enough with my rambling, thanks for reading😚 and see you in the next chapter😉

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