Chapter 32

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*2 months later*
*Cathy's POV*

'The scene in this chapter might be very disturbing, you may continue if you can handle it but please skip the next scene where you see a small line (----) if you cannot handle it. Thank you for reading😘'

I mean sneaking into your own house is a thing right? Well if it isn't I just made history because I am currently climbing up a ladder I put by my window two years ago at three O'clock in the morning to avoid those two. Just fucking peachy.

"Finally made it" I sighed and thought to myself, then I heard glass shatter in my bathroom I got really suspicious so I put my ear to the door. I heard water running and grunting, so I opened the door and see Tommy fully clothed, in the tub of running water which is slowly becoming red, with a piece of glass being held on his wrist.

"Tommy!? No! Tommy please... Just please stop! That's not going to fix anything" he looked up at me with red blood shot eyes.

"I've been drinking for two days straight, I haven't been sleeping for two days straight, I've been cutting for two nighs straight and you think they noticed? No they didn't!" He showed me his next hand and I gasped and covered my mouth...Wow.... when I finish with Tommy I will kill them.

"T, listen to me I know I don't know exactly what your feeling but this isn't resolving anything" I kept nearing him slowly.

"I'm just tired cat..... I'm tired of people lying to me and hurting me" I was now by the tub and I held onto the glass pulling it from his wrist.

"Trust me I know it hurts T, but suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.... Please don't do it, please... Think of your son and your daughter please... Take it from me who grew up from twelve years old without a father, it's not a good feeling" tears ran down my face, he sighed and moved the glass from his wrist, I knew he was tired because he had cut himself previously and the tub is now red, so I put his arm around my neck and began to walk down the stairs.


I slowly and carefully walked down the stairs with Tommy.

"Benjamin and Natalie I'm going to kill you!" I angrily yelled as I reached the bottom of the stairs I looked directly into the kitchen and saw Nat sitting at the table gazing with a glass of water and Ben ran into the living room looking like he just came from the back patio.

"Is that a fucking blunt?" I asked Ben and both if our eyes dropped to it then Nat walked over and her eyes slightly light up. "Don't get full of yourself I'm only here to get something I forgot! And clearly I forgot Tommy too! look at him!" Their eyes widened at his drenched body, and his bleeding wrist.

"Yes! He tried to commit suicide!, again! I found him in a tub nearly filled up with blood, he hasn't eaten for two day all he did was drink fucking Scotch! He's been cutting for two nights! And you didn't think to check on him! If I wasn't holding him you fucking two would have been murdered!" I growled and every time I screamed they flinched but their eyes were locked on Tommy, and I was huffing and puffing. I walked around to the couch and dropped him on it, I took off his shirt, when I saw the marks I passed my hand on them and he winced.

"Sorry" I whispered and got the first aid kit from under the table and got two different tubes of medicine. "This is gonna sting" I told him and he barely nodded his head and I sighed putting the medicine on the other nights cuts, he winced and let out a small 'ah' then I got the next medicine, I put it on it to speed up the healing process and I wrapped his whole forearm with the bandages.

"Now this is where you need to brace yourself" he slowly nodded his head and I put the medicine on it, he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight and he let out a few grunts and after a few seconds it eased up and I put the other medicine and wrapped his arm up.

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