Part 1

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Trigger Warning
Shouto's POV

Izuku's been having nightmares lately. I often wake up to him whimpering and struggling in his sleep. I have a couple of bruises from the times he's accidentally kicked me. Whenever I confront him about it he denies it, but I fear that they may be getting worse. Yelling things I can't really make out, and a very english sounding name. Tom.
I want to help Izuku, I don't want him to be in pain. But I can't if he won't let me.

“Izuku.” I call out to him, he's screaming in his sleep. Again he's yelling that name, begging for them to stop.
“Izuku wake up, it's just a dream.” I shake the omega awake, and he immediately climbs into my arms.
“Shouto, Shouto. I was so scarred. I don't like my dreams.” His face in my chest, he's still sobbing. Breath laboring.
“I know baby, I know. I need you to breathe with me ok.” He needs to start breathing normally or he'll pass out. We began breathing together in and out “Do you wanna tell me what happened. I won't judge you, I promise.”
“Shouto, I used to be your emotional support omega, yet I can't even keep myself together.” Izuku jokes, tears still streaming down his face.
“The keywords are used to be, your my boyfriend now. We support each other. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Izu. But I do really want to help you.”
“No, Shouto. You deserve to know why I've been kicking you in my sleep.” I hold him closer as he begins the story. “ When I worked for Iida, at my old job. I was sent out to pretty much be some Americans fake date. His name was.” His breath hitches when he gets to the name. “Tom, his name was Tom. Or at least that's what he told me and everyone at the party. Everything was going fine until the party was over. It was time for me to go, I had no need to stay. But he wanted me to go back to his place, and I said no. Shouto, I told him no.” Izuku began to yell, I had to quiet him down. It was three in the morning. “I told him no, and he….he pushed me into a alleyway. And started to kiss me. It wasn't like our kisses, it felt gross and disgusting and wrong. It felt so wrong.” I whipped a tear from his cheek, I hated seeing him in pain. “I couldn't get away from him, he was to strong. And he was using his scent to try and get me to submit. I didn't know what else to do, so I took out my switchblade we have incase of an emergency and just…..” My eyes widen when I realize what Izuku did. He stabbed a man. “I was so scared Shouto, I just did it and ran away. I don't even know if he's alive. I know what he did was wrong, but me stabbing him was no better. I'm scared he didn't die, that he's been tracking me down, that he'll try to mark me. That's what he told me right after he kissed me, that he'll mark me and use me as nothing more than a toy and a baby maker. I don't want that, I don't want anyone to mark me, except you.”
Right then without thinking, I bit down on his scent gland. He yelped when I did it, which made my heart flutter a little. I pull away and lick the wound, surprisingly Izuku began to purr.
“I'm sorry that I didn't ask. I just figured no one else can threaten to mark you if I have. Izuku I promise that I won't let anyone hurt you. I love you to much. I'm sorry that happened to you, and I wish it never did.”

“I don't wish it never happened.” He says, I look at him with concern. “I mean yes, it was bad enough that I have nightmare about it years later, but I might have never meet you if it didn't happen.”

“That may be true, but that doesn't change the fact that he tried to rape you. I won't ever do something to you that you don't like, alright Izuku.” I kiss him on the forehead, and he mews. Fluffy green ears pressed against his head in comfort.

“Shouto, can we stay like this?” Izuku asked. I nodded and we get more comfortable. I hold my omega in my arms with no intent on letting go anytime soon.

“Izuku, I love you.” I say as I kiss the back of his ear, it flinches at the feeling.

“I love you too, Shou.” With that we slowly drift to sleep.

Hey, I'm back and bader than ever. It's Wattsup-yan. So happy to be back an writing for you guys again. If you have any ideas for the story comment and let me know.
Hope you enjoy will try to update at least once a week.

Wattsup-yan out.

Emotional Support Omega. Book 2: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now