Part 4

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Shouto POV

Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. What was Izuku thinking, I don't even like holding children, let alone watching one and being responsible for their survival.

Izuku keeps telling me that everything will be fine and that we don't have anything to worry about, but I'm worrying. I'm worrying hard .

"Shouto, is everything ready for, Shina? I'm kinda glad Fuyumi had to drop her off later, gave us more time for preparation." Izuku said, messing with the pots on the stove making sure they were completely out of harm's way. It was now six and Fuyumi would be here any minute.

"Izuku, I know I shouldn't  be stressing about watching, Shina, but I am. I mean what if we do something and that scares her for life. Then Fuyumi will never talk to me again, and I'll lose the only family that still cares about me."

My heart begins to as I panicked. Fuyumi and her family is all I have left beside Izuku. I could feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Izuku came over to hug me, and began to purr to try and calm me down.
"Shouto. I love you and so does Fuyumi, and I'm sure once Shina really gets to know you she'll love you to. We're going to do fine, and I'll be here for you every step of the way alright." He kissed me firmly on the lips. Right then the doorbell rang, it must be Fuyumi. "Coming." Izuku went to answer the door, and to no one's
surprise it was Fuyumi with Shina in arms.

"Oh, Izuku. Your even cuter than the last time I saw you." My sister squealed.

"You saw me yesterday." Izuku replied.

"I know, well here's , Shina. She shouldn't cause you trouble, she hasn't reached her terrible twos yet. She even still has that new baby smell. " She sniffed Shina, causing her to coe.

"Well, Shouto and I are more than happy to watch, Shina." Izuku took the baby into his arms, she squirmed for a little and then settled into my mates arms. "Shouto, can you come get this stuff from Fuyumi please." Izuku cared, Shina into the apartment. I got the stuff from Fuyumi, and we said our goodbyes.

When I returned to the living room, Izuku doing the cutest thing i've ever seen him do. He was nuzzling Shina, and trying to get his scent on her. Surprisingly, Shina didn't cry during this. She must like Izuku's scent.

"Shouto, she's so precious. Oh, do you think our kids will be this cute?" He was now bouncing, Shina on his lap. His statement caught me off guard.

"Ou-our kids?"

"Yeah, of course." Izuku paused for a moment. "I'm sorry, Shouto. I don't even know why I said that. If you don't want children that's completely fine, I'll respect your decision even if it means I can't have cute little chubby babies running around." He rambled on.

"Izu, I never said I didn't want kids. Thinking about it just through me off a little. I'm going to start on dinner, Fuyumi said that she's not allergic to anything and can have soft foods, so I'll make pasta and spaghetti. You watch her, and let me know if you need anything."

"Alright, Shouto." I went to get a start on dinner.

********** Skip, cause I don't know how to describe cooking.

After making dinner, I got the baby seat and made sure everything was safely put into place. I gave, Shina a small bowl of pasta with just a little source and filled her sippy cup with apple juice.

"Izuku, come on. Dinners ready." I set up our plates as well, when Izuku brings Shina in. He straps her into the chair and is about to feed her when I stop him.
"Izu, let me do it. You already watched her." I pull out a chair for him to sit and he obliged. izuku starts eating, and I attempt to feed Shina. She seems to like the food, though most of it doesn't go into her mouth, but instead onto her bib and mat.

"Look at you good girl. You are your dinner." I cringe as I realize that just did baby talk, and I can hear Izuku giggle before choking slightly on some pasta.

"Alright. Shouto. How about you eat your num
nums and I give little Shin-shin a bath." He mocks my voice.

"Don't patronize me omega." I get up to go eat and Izuku takes Shuna, to bathe her.

"By the way, you're doing the dishes." I glare at him. " Alright, alright I'm going now."


After bathing and putting her into PJ's, Izuku sat down with her in the nest in the living room to watch something. Once I was finished cleaning up, I joined them.

"Whatcha watching, Izu. Sesame Street."

"Nope, some fight seems from the latest villain attack." He replied nonchalantly. I immediately covered, Shina's eyes.

"Izuku. Why would you show this to a baby." I whisper yell at my mate.

"I watched this kind of stuff all the time as a child. We just some footage with you in it and she seemed more than happy. Relax, ok." He kissed me on the cheek. We watched some more videos until, Shina feel asleep in, Izuku's arms.

"Let me go but her to bed." We had the portable crib set up in our bedroom. It took ten minutes for Izuku to return.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"I wanted to make sure that she's alright. Besides she does still have that new baby smell." He sighed.

"You were sniffing her?"

"Well it sounds creepy when you say it like that."

"No. I thinks that's cute. Besides, I'm glad that, Shina  likes you. I only hope that she'll grown on me."

"She will, Shouto. What's not to live about you. Now, come on. We have a whole day of baby watching tomorrow and we're gonna need all  the energy that we can get." Izuku grab my hand and lead me to the bedroom. He checked on Shina, before snuggling into bed with me. I hope we do a good job tomorrow.

Yes. Chapter 4. You ask and you get. Speaking of which, if you have any input I would love to hear it. This was not beta read, so please forgive me. Again I love hearing your suggestions and reading your comments.

Wattsup-yan out.

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