Bakushima Part 4

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Slightly NSFW you have been warned.

Kirishima's POV

After giving Katsuki his surprise, we got in my car and headed to the bar. We didn't go separately because the gang knows that Katsuki and I live together. They just don't know that we are together. We told them it was to cut down on costs, but we just couldn't stand to not live with each other any longer and got the apartment a few months ago. Everyones been asking about seeing it, but we keep decking because it's a one bedroom and that would start up questions.

"Fuck you." Katsuki mumbled as we drove to the bar.

"What was that, I only talk to good boys." I tell him.

"I said-" I cut him off before he can even repeat himself.

"I suggest that you don't repeat yourself, unless you wanna be punished instead of reward tonight." I assert myself and he whines at the statement, he remains quiet.

We arrive at the bar, but it looks like we're the first ones here.

"Alright Katsuki. Remember, right now we're not boyfriends, and especially not lovers. We're just the best of friends and the manliest dudes. You remember the rules right?"

" Of course I fucking do, I came up with them after you almost kissed me after the graduation cerimonny. But to remind you they are, One. Don't be too clingy. Occasional touching is ok, but no hugging or cuddling, or any other sappy shit. Two. Minimize the amount of times that we call each other by their first name. People know we're close but we don't want them to know how close. And Three, absoluty no talking about our sex life. No, changing each others names or shit like that. It's only gonna bring up questions." Katsuki lectured me about keeping our relationship a secret all the time. I've gotten used to it.

I know that an Alpha only couple is uncommon, and we might get some backlash. That doesn't change the fact that our friends and family wouldn't treat us any different if they knew. Speaking of friends, Kaminari and Sero arrived just in time to save me, from anymore of Katsuki's lecturing.

" Sup, bros. Sorry we're late, we had to stop by at Mina's. She wasn't feeling well so she couldn't make ." Kaminari said as Sero and him came towards us.

"Oh really, that's too bad. You know I don't think that it would be fair that we're going to have fun. While Mina's home sick, I think that we should call it a night." Katsuki said, this little asshole just wants to go back how so he can get what he's been craving.

"Really because she gave use one hundred bucks to spend on booze tonight." Sero said, as he put his arm around Kami's shoulder. " You know Mina, if we're parting without her. She would want us to party hard." We entered the bar and found a place to sit down, at a booth. Katsuki sitting next to me and Kaminari and Sero sitting next to each other. Time to start drinking.


A few hours later and I've only had a few drinks, while Kaminari and Sero basically drank

the whole bar. Katsuki is a little bit tipsy and is leaning on my shoulder.

" Hey, Bakugou. You feeling alright?" I ask, but then he began nuzzling into my shoulder. "Katsuki, hey. We agreed not to do this stuff in public, didn't we?" I'm glad that Kaminarii and Sero are practically wasted, or they would most definitely be questioning why Katsuki is basically in my lap. As I'm thinking this, Katsuki slips his hand onto my thigh, then slowly starts to go for my crotch. Rubbing the area at an escuting pace, making sure to tease me. I whine at the sensation as he leans into my ear.

"Eiji." He whispers. " I'm hard, and I might ruin these panties. Let's head home, and take care of my little problem together." Holy, fuck does he sound sexy, and he thought that I was going to the one that got drunk. Speaking of drunk I have to get rid of the two idiots if I want to talk care of Katsuki.

" Hey, guys. How did you guys get here?" I asked.

" Ahhhh, hey, Sero? " Kaminari slurred.

"Yeah" Sero, has his head leaned back on the booth.

"Ummm, how'd we get here.?"

" You dumb ass. We uhhh, hold on give me a second. Ummmm, we took a cab." Sero says.

"You heard that Kirishima, we took a cab." Kaminari told me. That's great, that means that I can just get this guys a cab and then Katsuki and I can go home.


I got Sero and Kaminari the cab, and gave the driver their address. I managed to strap Katsuki into the passenger seat, while he was trying to makeout with me. I got into the car and began to drive home.

"Eijirou, I'm horny" Katsuki whined, as he began to dig into his pants, probably wanting to touch himself. I thought about stopping him, but he has been pent up all day, so I should let him pleasure himself if he wants to.

" Eijirou, I wanna cum." Katsuki whined.

"No, one's stopping you, Babe."

"I like it when you call me that, it makes me feel really sexy." He slurred as he continued to touch himself. "Do you mind if I cum in these. Like I know that here super cute and that you spent good money on them, but I kinda just wanna be a dirty slut and just cum in this panties." God Katsuki must be drunker than I thought because no way in hell would sober Katsuki ever say that.

"Whatever makes you feel good, Babe."


When we arrive home Katsuki has had a pretty good orgasm based on his moaning during the ride, and has fallen asleep. I take him out of the car, and bring him inside. I sit him up in the bed and I begin to undress him, he's really knocked. I take of the panties, that are indeed ruined. But I don't really mind, I'm just glad that Katsuki had a good time. I clean him up, before I strip myself down to only my underwear. I get into bed and cuddle up next to my lover, I smile down at him as he snuggles into my chest and clings onto me. I kiss him on the forehead , and slowly begin to fall asleep.

I can fuck him anyother day, but right now I'm just happy to be with him. Man, I love him.

Yay. I did it. This took me a super long time to write and it went through a lot of editing to make sure that it was just right for you guys. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter. This is going to be the last Bakushima chapter in this, for it's getting it's own book. I don't know how long it's going to take for me to publish it, but I'll keep you guys posted.

Speaking of posting I do have an Instagram for my Wattpad. It's Wattsup_yan, feel free to DM me questions for the special or the book , or just anything really. I love helping you guys out with your stories. I was thinking about doing a live, but I kinda need followers to do that so Idk. Anyway.

Whatsapp-yan out.

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