Bakushima Part 3

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No ones POV

Bakugou went into the shower, trying his best to relax. But that was quite difficult escecially because nows he's horny as fuck. 'Fucking Shitty Hair. He's the only reason why I'm going out drinking those idiots.' Bakugou though as he scrubbed away the scents of the day.

" Katsuki." Kirishima called his lover from outside the bathroom. " You've been in there for like 30 minutes. I know that your quirk makes your skin supper suppel, but I still feel like you can still get dry skin."

Bakugou didn't even realize how long he was in shower. He rinsed off, and got out of the shower.

" Yeah, yeah, cry me a river. I'll be fine Ei, and you better not have burnt the pasta or so help me I will kill you."

" But if you do that then who will love you." Kirishima teased.

"Touche Shitty Hair." Bakugo says as he dries off and puts on lotion. He quirk aside, no one likes dry skin. The blonde came out of the shower with a towel around his waist. Hair slightly droopy and still damp.

"Well hello gorgeous." Kirishima comes towards Bakugou, going in for a hug.

"Don't patronize me." Bakugou growled, but he didn't stop the redhead from hugging him.

" I am not patronizing you, Katsuki. You are beautiful and sweet, an incredibly sexy." Kirishima wrapped his arms around bakugou's waist to squeeze his ass. He blushes.

" Don't, Ei. We don't have time for that, we have plans to go out tonight because of you."

"Well, then go get dressed. Make sure to wear something loose, I want you to be able to strip easily when we get home. I'll make you a plate, and don't forget. I have a surprise for you, Babe." Kirishima gently kissed the blondes lips, before sending him to the bedroom. He knew tonight was gonna be fun.


"It's a miracle, you're actually getting better at cooking. This was pretty good." Bakugou scarfed down the food. Granted it was just spaghetti and meatballs, but it was still really delicious.

"Well I learned from the best. When you're done eating and washing the dishes come back to our room." Kirishima got up from his seat at the table and walked behind Bakugou, coming close to his ear. Before whispering. " I'm gonna give you that surprise."

Bakugou had never been more eager to wash the dishes. Once he was finished with that he rushed into their bedroom, and pretend that he didn't care that much.

"Katsuki, I know that your super excited about what your about get. You can't fool me."

" Well, I only give good things to good boys, Katsuki. Are you and good boy?" Kirishima sked leaning closer to Bakugou, he began to kiss the blondes neck. Bakugou moaned slightly, Kirishima knows that he has a huge praise kinks.

"Eiji, don't forget that we're going out. Don't start what you can't finish." Bakugou warned.

"Oh, I plan to finish. And your going to enjoy every second of it, but first we're going out drinking with our friends."

"Your friends." Bakugou corrected.

" Don't act like they aren't your friends." Kirishima was right. As much as Bakugou acted like he hated those idiots, they were indeed his bestfriends.

"Yeah, whatever. You gonna give me that surprise now."

"Yup, but first take off your pants and underwear." Kirishima instructed.

"And here I thought we weren't gonna do a quick fuck." Bakugou teased, as he stripped. " So what's the big surprise?"

"This." Kirishima pulled out a pair of black, sparkly, panties. With little white bows on the black lace, and sexy written on the ass. Bakugou blushed, at a loss for words. He's worn panties for Kirishima before, of course it was always in the safety of their own bedroom, never out in public. "They were for tonight before we had other plans, but I still wanna rip those off of you tonight. So you're wearing this to the bar."

"Bu-but. Eiji, I..." Bakugou tried to protest.

"Did I stutter. Katsuki?"

"N-no, alpha."

"That's right. Now put these on and get ready, we wouldn't want to keep our friends waiting." Kirishima handed the blonde, the panties. And watched as he put them on. In that moment Kirishima knew, that tonight is gonna be a good night.


Hey my lovely reader, Wattsup-yan here. I have been really enjoying writing the Bakushima parts of this book, so I have been considering writing a seperate Bakushima book that will take place in the same universe as ESO1, and ESO2. Let me know what you all think.

Also I will give you some clarification with the timeline. So part 1 of Bakushima side story happens later during the same day that Shouto comes into the office and Bakugou tells him that he has baby fever (Main story part 5). Then Part 6 one happens, then Bakushima part 2.

Then Part 6 two, happens during this chapter(Bakushima part 3). I'm sorry the timeline was kinda messed up, but that's because I added Bakushima kinda last minute. Bakushima part 4 is going to happen before Part 7 of the main story. It just makes more sense in the timeline. Anyway hope that you enjoy, don't forget to ask questions for the special, you can ask me anything you want. Sorry for any confusion. (Not beta read.)

Wattsup-yan out.

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