Part 5

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Shouto's POV

I wake up to the sound of a baby screaming. I was about to freak out, thinking 'I don't have a baby, what the fuck?' When I remember that Izuku and I are watching, Shina.

I check the time, it's 4 am. She must need a diaper change or maybe she's hungry, I should ask Izuku.

"Izu, wake up." I nudge  the omega, until he stirs

"Hmmm. What…" Izuku mumbles.

"Shina's crying. Can you check on her please." I plead, and all Izuku does is snuggle back into the blanket. "Izuku!"

"Your a very capable man, Shouto. Now go be a good uncle and see what's wrong with Shina. You wanted to get closer to your niece, let her know that your there for her. If you really need me, you know where to find me."

I sighed and got out of the bed to see what was upsetting Shina.
Diaper. Nope, it was dry and Izuku changed her before bed. Maybe she's hungry then.
I go to the fridge with Shina in arms. Getting a container of applesauce and a baby spoon. I sit on the couch and  attempt to feed her. She takes a couple of spoonfuls and then she refuses to eat anymore.
So she wasn't very hungry.

This is hopeless. I don't know what Shina wants and she's starting to get fussy again. I'm about to call Izuku when Shina grabs the remote and starts toying with it turning the t.v on. I was going to turn it off, when Shina suddenly stopped fussing. I look to see what was on and see that it was Bakugou, doing an interview about a fight last week.
Shina was in a trance, cuddled up in my arms cooing when she saw some battle footage. If the kid gets a good quirk, I could see her becoming a hero. I smile at the thought, little Shina being just like her uncle. Depending on her quirk, I can possibly help to train her.

It doesn't take long for Shina to fall back asleep. Curled up her cute little white ears contrasting her tufts of black hair. I was going to head back to bed, at least an hour had passed. But then this really cool segment came on, and staying here for a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

"Ow, that hurt ." I rubbed my cheek, after Izuku smacked me. Shina was giggling in his arms. "What was that?"

"I'm sorry Shou, you weren't responding to anything." He gave me the most innocent look.

"So you thought that the next best option was to smack me ?" I asked.

"Umm, yes? You fell asleep with Shina on the couch. I came to check on you when I realized you hadn't come back to bed, but you just looked so comfortable. I took Shina back to the room, and we went back to sleep. We've been up for about an hour." Izuku explained.

"Oh, what time it anyway?"

"Its 9. By the way, your department called. They need to come in today at 10:30."

"What, they said that I could have the week off." This infuriated me, I didn't want to leave Izuku and Shina. But when duty calls, duty calls. "Alright, let me get ready." I was about to get up when Izuku stopped me.

"Also. Fuyumi called saying that they had the trip early. And that she'll get Shina around 12, you should say goodbye to her now since you won't be here."

"Ok, let me go get ready. Make sure to give Fuyumi my condolences." I say.

"Of course, Shou." He gives me a kiss. I'm gonna miss him all day.

I get dressed and say my goodbyes. I'm gonna miss Shina, I only wish I could be with her longer. Is this what it's gonna be like if I ever become a father. Will I have to hold back tears every time I go to work because I know there's a chance I won't come back. Because I know that there is a possibility that I will be the last time that I see my family. I hold back tears as I continue my commute to work, I don't want to even think about that possibility.

When I arrive at work, I'm greeted by the hot head himself Bakugou.

"Oi, Halfie. How was your little vacation." He teases.

"It was good until I had to come back today. Why they call me in for?"

"A mandatory meeting or some shit like that. We'll take during lunch, k."

"Whatever. Bakugou." I follow him into the conference room.
(Skip to lunch, because who really cares what this meeting is about.)

"Oi, hallie. How's you and Deku's canoodling?" Bakugou asked, who the hell was Deku?

"Who's Deku?" I ask.

"Oh, I meant Izuku."

"He's good. Watching my niece right now, my sister suppose to get her soon. How about you, found someone yet?"

"Ah, no. No one yet. You didn't tell me you had a niece." Bakugou said changing the subject, he looked a little offended.

"You never asked. Her names Shina."

"How old is she, you got any pictures?" Bakugou was surprisingly interested.

"Oh, well she's 1 years old." I say as I pull out my phone to show a photo of her and Izuku that I took yesterday.

"She's cute." He commented. I couldn't help but go on and on about all the stuff that Izuku and I did with her, and all the little adorable stuff she does. I stopped my gushing when someone who I don't really now, asked if I was talking about my daughter. I only blushed and told them the truth in response.

"Oi, Halfie. Sounds like you got baby fever. " Bakugou joked.
Was he right, do I have baby fever? I thought about Shina with Izuku once more. I wanna baby, shit I have baby fever.

Hey. Sorry I didn't post on time, things came up. Despite that heres part 5. I that you enjoyed it
That you so much for the support, you help make this story possible.

Wattsup-yan out.

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