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- Etsuko's POV -

Growing up was hard a fuck for Etsuko.  Her father trained her from sun up to sun down, and when he didn't her mother worked on making her "wife" material.  By the time Etsuko was 8 she was a master in most forms of martial arts and could clean their house in under 2 hours.

Although there was a slight bump in the road. On her sixth birthday  something odd happened.  While her mother was cooking and having Etsuko help her, the bowl the child was holding shattered. 

Her mother, being the more loving of the parents cleaned up the mess and excused Etsuko to her room. Well, until and ear-shattering scream came from behind her door.

Having no regard for privacy, her father broke down the door to be greeted with a disturbing site. His daughter on the floor screaming while the objects of her room floated as different elements of nature surrounded the child.

It took almost a full day for the effects to completely calm down and their daughter to pass out from exhaustion. Although her parents were worried and frankly horrified they tried to keep it under wraps and continue on with their life style.

The following week, the same incident happened for all of 3 days until the couple decided they needed to seek help.  The only person they knew of and trusted who could help them was an ancient being who specialized in the supernatural.

It had been concluded that Etsuko held powers that nobody had ever heard of.  She was able to control the elements and was telekinetic along with astounding strength. Although it took years for her to control them fully, her parents vigorous schedule for her was hardly adjusted.

At 4:30 Etsuko was to be escorted to the mountains to work on her abilities, then at 6:30 she was to be brought home to be trained by her father until 6:30(pm) where she worked with her mother and at 9:30 taken to the mountains to train and brought home at 11 to sleep.

That continued until she turned 10. Unsurprisingly on her birthday another supernatural incident happened.  On her tenth birthday she woke up like it was a normal day but when she reached the door to be escorted to the mountains her mother shrieked.

Scared and confused, Etsuko turned around to look at her mother to see her staring at something behind her with wide eyes.

In a loud voice, her mother screamed for her father in Japanese, "WATASHITACHI NO KODOMO WA TORO NI NARIMASU!" ('our child's become a bird')

Soon after her mother's shout her dad ran in and screamed as well when her saw their child. Their 4'8 child had massive wings coming out of her back.  Confused, Etsuko turned around to see 2 massive wings stemming from her shoulder blades.

When first seeing them she screamed herself but soon began to smile. What kid didn't want to fly? Her parents led her outside where they measured her wings. Both were 5 feet long and 2 feet tall.

Her father then brought her to the mountains to train and work out the new issue.

While training she learned how to retract her wings and bring them back out as well as how to fly. By the time her father was back to get her, she was able to pick him up and fly them both home rather than the long hike.

As the years went on, the now 16 year old girl had mastered all her powers and held a new trait. At around 13 her canines grew slightly more pointed and the ends of her hair shifted from black to white.

At 16 the girl had learned to handle and execute a kill with every weapon they could find as well as cook an 8 course meal while clean a house.

To say her parents where proud would be an understatement. To see what they created as a fully capable girl was incredible for their egos. And while they didnt intend for her to have powers it overall helped them and her.

That birthday they gifted her with a snake. Being the first pet Etsuko ever owned she was beyond ecstatic. The green and yellow snake was given the name Doku.

Soon after her birthday and when her parents decided she was done with all the work she'd done all her life, they dumped new tasks on her.

She was taught ballet, how to speak English as well as Spanish and how to play a plethora of instruments as well as swimming lessons.

By the time the girl turned 19 she was well rounded in many things. One of which the art of assassination. Soon enough she was known all across Japan as Doroppukirā for her method of murder.

Contrary to what most would think, instead of using a weapon to kill she would just fly around them until she plucked them up, brought them to the level of clouds, and dropped them.

Once she was positive they were dead, she would drop a single shard of glass and fly away. Nobody understood the glass but it was how they knew it was from her.

It took a few months but once she racked up about 200 kills, she was placed on SHEILDS radar. She has no idea why Americans cared about Japan's business but they had nothing but her alias so she didn't care.

It wasn't until her 21st birthday when her parents where killed by an American did she begin to care about SHEILD being in her business.

She had no real proof they did it but she had no reason to trust anyone from America.  Although she did avenge her parents, she still didn't enjoy SHEILD trying to get their grasp on her.

By the time she was 24 she had killed about 538 people and SHEILD was getting on her last nerve.

Everywhere she turned she saw someone thinking they were being inconspicuous while looking for the nutorious Doroppukirā.  It pissed her off beyond belief.

Soon enough she dropped off the radar and decided it would be best to be a private assassin rather than be obvious about it. So under a new name she began a new killing spree.

Soon Akai-Shi replaced Doroppukirā on SHEILD's radar. At 25 she decided she was done being quiet about her killings and merged the once separate killers into 1.

The concept scared SHEILD because it not only told them she knew they were on her, but she also knew how to avoid them.

It wasn't until she had just finished a job and returned home she was greeted with a letter on her bed. Etsuko pulled out a small knife from her belt and threw it at the letter, trapping it to the bed.

She looked around before slowly grabbing it. She slowly opened it and began to read.

Dear Doroppukirā,
Although we don't completely trust you and have zero reasons to, we also have no direct reason to distrust you. And the same applies for you, towards us. We need your help. We won't ask for any information you don't want us to have but we would appreciate if you considered this offer. Next Thursday someone will be at your door at 4:59pm to retrieve you. Don't answer his knock and he'll leave. Answer and you'll be brought to America to help assist us.
- Nickolas Fury

Rolling her eyes she threw the letter on her desk and got undressed so she could shower. Although she already knew she was going to accept their offer, she was unaware of why.

Maybe it'd be fun?


And that's the tea

So for the parts in Japanese and possible future ones in Spanish I'm using google translate and I don't trust them entirely so idk if it's correct or not but idrc cause if I wrote it then I wrote it.

I hope you enjoyed and sorry if it was a bit long but I had to make her past all dramatic and shit and make sure shes kinda OP cause shes the main character.

So don't forget to smash that like button and click subscribe and push that little bell to get notified when I post and that's all Jake paulers. I'll see you guys later.

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