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Let's get somethings straight.

-Nothing but the main character and plot belong to me, they belong to the money machine that is Disney

-This book is gonna be dramatic as fuck so be ready for that

-As well as being more dramatic than a Broadway musical it's also dark as fuck

-My swearing is uncontrollable so deal with it

-Dont expect me to have any sort of update schedule cause it isn't gonna happen

-Also I'm not on that Stephen King shit so it's gonna be written horribly and I feel no remorse

-And finally Yuna Taira will be playing Etsuko Akagi but I'm stupid and don't know how to make a proper cast chapter with all that fancy shit so that's all you're gonna get

Also if someone wants to make a cover dm me cause the one I made is trash

Monster~ S. RogersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant