Chapter Five

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Etsuko's POV

When I had woken up, I was in someone's bed. My throat was dry and my head was pounding.

I had needles sticking in my arms and I was hooked up to multiple machines. It was highly likely that I was in some hospital.

There was a slight pressure on my right hand.  I was awake yet, I could hardly see anything.

Maybe it was cause there was something in my eyes because my vision has been perfect for all my life.

It wouldn't get fucked up now. Wiping my eyes with the back of my hand, I looked to my right to see Steve slumped in a chair and holding my hand.

A smile worked it's way on my face as I looked at him. He looked like a mess, but a cute mess.

His hair was all messed up and his back was in some uncomfortable position as he slept.

I brought my other hand and swept it across his forehead, moving away his hair. At my touch he woke up in a panic but saw me awake.

A soft smile played on my lips, "Hey cap". He looked at me and smiled before reaching to hug me.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I closed my eyes. "As much as I love this, these needles hurt and this bed feels like rocks." Steve unwrapped himself from me and started to pull out all of the needles in my skin.

I doubt that's aloud seeing as he isn't a doctor or anything but I don't give a shit. 

"What happened while I was out?" Steve looked down at me with a frown. Agent Coulson passed away, Thor brought you back here then left and Agent Barton is back in control of himself. We're getting ready to go find Loki."

I nodded while looking up at him "Get out and let me change. I'll be out in 5." Steve looked down at me with skepticism in his eyes but I didn't care.

Loki was gonna get his ass sent back to wherever he came from. Steve stood up and left as I began to change.

I pulled off my shirt and grabbed my discarded shoes. Pulling them on and wrapping my hair up I grabbed every weapon that they had removed from me and placed it back in it's respective spot.

I strapped my swords to my pants and walked out to see Steve waiting for me. "Where are we going Steve?" "New York"

I nodded before walking over to the hanger where the plane was, "I'll see you there Stevie"

My back cracked and the bones in my wings stretched out and popped into place. I walked infront of Steve and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Leaning up as far as I could and pulling him down closer to me, I pressed my lips onto his.

Before he could respond I backed away and ran over to the hanger door and jumped out and began my flight to New York.

My flight didn't last more than 30 minutes but by the time k was there, all hell had already broken loose.

Civilians were running around and screaming and aliens were firing laser things at them.

Dropping down I grabbed both of my swords and went to work.  Killing them wasn't hard but everytime one died 5 more showed up.

Giving up I flew up into the air and pushed my hands out infront of me. A mix of fire and lightning came out of my palms and burned them all. 

Turning around and flying down I began to pick up groups of people and fly them to a Subway entrance and go back to get another group.

While I grabbed one of the last people remaining one of the space bitches began to shoot at me.

Throwing the person to the subway I brought out one hand to use the wind and push them to safety while the other hand shot fire at the alien.

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