Chapter Two

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Etsuko's POV

The plane had about an hour left till landing so I was left to my own devices. I slept through a good chunk of the flight and read some of the manga I brought but was soon bored.

I didn't want to talk to Phil because he soon got boring. I reached up to grab one of my bags and took out my headphones before placing it back above my head.

Plugging them into my phone, I allowed myself to drown out the world with my music. I peered out the window and looked at the sky around me.  All I was able to see was the ocean.

After a torturous hour of boredem we finally landed on some sort of boat thing.  "This is our hellicarrier. It's where you'll be staying until you meet the others. I also believe Director Fury wishes to speak with you" Phil said while walking.

My bags floated behind me while I nodded even though he couldn't see me. We walked into a large room with alot of people. It would make sense that I'm the last one here. "Imananjidesuka?"

Everyone looked up at me surprised. Did they not know of my arrival? Phil looked to everyone before beginning, "This is the final member of the Avengers Initiative. This is the Doroppukirā."

Everyone looked at me with skepticism in their eyes until a tall man walked up infront of me. Him being probably 6' something, he towered over me by a little more than a foot. He stuck out his hand and I grabbed it while shaking it. "Konnichiwa" I said to the tall man. "Konnichiwa" he greeted back.

I smiled a little at him. I doubt he knew anything other than that but it's the thought that counts. "Can you speak English?" The man asked. In the most authentic Caucasian accent I could muster, "Can you speak Japanese?" I asked.

The man smiled down at me before leading me to a seat. My bags were still floating around me, but closer to the roof. Sitting next to the tall whitey was quite an experience.

He had gorgeous blue eyes and blonde hair.  I wasn't going to lie and say he wasn't fucking gorgeous.  But nobody needed to know that information.

"Well Doroppukirā, I highly doubt Fury told you why you're here. There's a man from another planet who has a scepter that has a power source called the tesseact that we need to get back from him. As far as we know, he wants to take over Earth." I nodded my head slowly.

"Watashi no mokuteki wa nanidesu ka?" Everyone looked at me confused before I sighed loudly. "What is my purpose here. You already have a woman. My service isn't needed."

The other woman chuckled lightly before coughing.  Soon an African-American man walked in, "You're needed because for starters we need intel on you and I believe your abilities will help the team.". I nodded towards him and stood up.

"I tell you what I feel you worthy of knowing. I'm 25, I live in Japan and I used to have a pet snake name Doku. My favorite flower is a daisy and I can kill you in 15 different ways with nothing but my shoelace. That is all, Anata wa muchina baka." (You ignorant fool).

I sat back down next to the tall blonde man with a smirk on my face. Nickolas looked infuriated as a scowl rested on his face. "Becareful nōtarin, it might get stuck like that".

Nickolas scowled harder as those around me chuckled. "You tell me what I want to know or you get off my ship."

"Well it was nice meeting you all then. Looks like I'm being kicked out, have fun with all that testosterone little red. Sayonara!"

I walked to the door with my bags floating behind me and turned around to see a shocker Nickolas. "You still want me to leave cause the second I'm out this door, I'll never be back. Ever."

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