[01] pilot.

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w o r d s: 1957

p a g e s: 6

My name is Adylyn Young and I have a secret, I see and talk to the dead. One person who believes me is my best friend named Ethan Gilbert. He and I have been friends since 11th grade, we are now juniors in college. He helps me why I'm seeing these manifestations. My mother sees them as well to this day she doesn't know why she's seeing them. "Ady" Ethan nudged me. "What?" I look at him. "Did you hear me?" he asked. "No, obviously" I say. "The winter formal is this week, who are you going to ask? Its girl ask guy" Ethan told me. "I thought we were going together?" I asked. Ethan just shrugged. "You don't want to go with me?" I asked sipping my hot chocolate. "I do, but someone already asked me" he rubbed his hands on the mug. "Who?" I asked. "Scarlett Armstrong from our English class" he relied. "Oh" it came out sadder than I meant it too. "Don't worry, we can have a dance together" he smiled. "I hope so" I laughed as I see a transparent woman who is dressed in 1910 clothing just standing there staring at me, her hands folded neatly in front of her. "Apparition?" Ethan asked looking in the direction I was looking. "Yeah, she looks like she's from 1910 era" I told him. "Interesting" he stated taking a drink of coffee. She walked towards me her blond hair tightly curled underneath her hat.

When she approached me, her hand landed on my cheek "I'm sorry, Ma'am" I whispered as she smiled sweetly down at me. I can tell she was a mother; she had that motherly feel about her. "What's happening?" Ethan asked. "She's a mother" I told him looking at the ghost. "You can sense that?" he asked. "Yeah, she's touching my cheek" I told him, "what's your name?" I asked the apparition. "Alice" she told me. "Do you have any children?" I whisper. She nods holding up two fingers. "Where are they?" I asked. "I don't know, please help me" Alice told me. "Of course, Alice, what are their names?" I asked. "Charles and Lena" she replied. "What do they look like?" I asked grabbing a notebook. "they are blonde, like me" she began to cry. "We'll find them, Alice if I find them how can I call out for you?" I asked. "I'll know, miss" Alice smiled softly then vanishes before my eyes. "Well?" Ethan asked. "We need to help her to find her kids, Charles and Mary" I told him. "Well that should be easy" he said sarcastically. "We need to do research" I told him. "How? We don't know her last name" he told me. "It's going to be tough but we can do it" I reassured him. He sighs running his hand through his hair. "Fine, I'll do it on my own then" I told him. "Ady, I'll help you" Ethan ran to catch up to me. "That's what I thought" I laughed. "After class?" he asked. "After class" I repeated we hug and say our farewells. I walked to my class which is a paranormal class funnily enough.

I walked in the class my teacher Ms. Paige was at her desk working on an email. "Ah, Adylyn! How are you sweets?" she asked. "I'm well" I smiled. "Are you sure? You look like you've seen a ghost" she observed my face. "I have seen one" I told her knowing she won't believe me. she raised an eyebrow, "really?" she seemed intrigued. "Yeah, I have... never mind" I say sitting down in front of her desk. "Please, continue" Ms. Paige insisted. "You don't have to believe me but, I have a gift I suppose you can call it" I studied her face. There was an apparition behind her. "What is this so-called gift?" she asked. "I can see ghosts, like right now, there's a man standing behind you" I told her. "What does this man look like?" Ms. Paige asked. "He's the same height as you, balding in the top of his head, wearing old fashioned glasses, has facial hair on the top of his lip" I told her, I noticed she was going to cry. "Mrs. Paige?" I asked looking at her. The male placed a hand on my teacher's shoulder. "That's my husband who died in a car crash a few years ago" tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry" I say looking at the man. "Tell her I miss her and I love her, so much" my teacher's husband says to me. I nod. "Mrs. Paige, your husband says he misses you and he loves you, so much" I say sitting in my chair. "Gale, I miss you too and I love you too" she looks around trying to see him even though she can't.

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