[09] spring break.

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w o r d s: 1060

p a g e s: 3

Something about spring makes everything seem I don't know...Brighter? Happier? Lena comes to visit with Charles. I think they see me as a big sister which is so cute. I'm glad that I'm back for spring break. Everything that happen to us in winter really fucked us up so, we are taking time for ourselves; Keaton, Ethan, and I. I think mom can sense Keaton even though he's not here. He's been in my room most days just talking about what happen at the winter formal. Taylor is nowhere to be found which is slightly unsettling. I was in my room legs crossed on the floor back hunched over looking at my laptop for jobs. When I felt an iced breeze trickle down my spine. "Hi" Keaton smiled softly. "Hi" I say shyly closing my laptop. "How's your spring break so far?" he asked sitting in front of me. He was changing, he wasn't a grey mist anymore he was turning white. He was turning good and it makes me happy because well I can see the good in him. "Going good, considering" I say smiling as he placed his lips on mine causing me to smile. "Good, Taylor is still on a rampage because of Ethan rejected her" Keaton rolls his blue eyes. I laughed shaking my head. "Ethan feels bad about that, I tell him to get over it but I think he actually liked her in the beginning before well you know" I say as he pulls me into his lap. "Yeah, I saw it on his face when I was stalking you" he says nonchalantly causing me to laugh.

We talked about all type of things, about Alice, the kids everything. "So, are you going back to school?" I asked. "I think so, it's my last year" he shrugs. "Oh yeah, I forgot" I say laughing laying my head in his lap. He was cold, obviously he was a ghost so I guess you can say I'm dating an apparition. You know saying it out loud, sounds so strange. We talk until mom came up to tell me dinner was ready. I say goodbye to Keaton and watch him vanish. I smiled softly getting up from my spot. "Was there a ghost in there?" mom asked. "Yes" I replied. "That Keaton boy?" mom asked. I nodded. "Be careful with him, alright?" she asked. "I am, he changed" I replied. "Darkness never changes" she tells me. I sighed. She's right, I know Darkness never changes. My parents and I sit down for dinner. We talked about College like we always do. I tell them about my grades, professors, new friends. I excused myself to talk with Ethan like we do every night. Even though Ethan wanted to take a break from all things Paranormal.

I called Ethan on Skype. "It's easier this way" Ethan once told me. "Alright" I replied. I called him waiting. "Sup Addy!" Ethan smiled. "Hey! How's the spring break treating you?" I asked. "Calm, what about you?" he asked. "Same, actually" I say. "Good, you, we deserve some peace" Ethan stated grunting. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Playing a video game" he grunts again. "What game?" I asked. "Fortnite" my best friend says. I roll my eyes. "Hey, it's a great game Addy!" Ethan exclaimed. "Are you sure about that?" I asked. "Yes, you play Minecraft, right?" he asked. "Sometimes, why?" I asked. "It's like that but with guns and shit" he says hooting. "I never see you game like ever in my life" I say. "Well, I just got into it so" E shrugs. "Seriously?" I was high key judging. "Yep, you would like it" he smiled. "I don't game, E" I say matter of fact. "Worth a shot" he laughs.

We talked until midnight or until mom told me to go to bed. We said good night and went to bed. I was so tired; I had no idea why. Maybe because Keaton, taking energy off me. But that's ridiculous, right? He wouldn't do that to me, he's not evil anymore. His aura changed into something light. He told me he didn't want to hurt me anymore... was he lying to me? is he still evil? Do ghosts change their aura so us humans can trust them more? I have to ask Mom when I wake up tomorrow.

In the morning, I feel well rested. I looked at my phone it was 10 am. I slept in; everything seems so quiet when it hits a certain hour of the day. My parents both were at work so, I'm left by my lonesome. Ethan declared that we go to the park and have a picnic because it's so nice out. I put on clothes and waited for Ethan to come and pick me up. It's nice not to worry about apparitions I haven't seen any since the last day of winter. It felt good not to be scared out of my skin. He texted me saying he's here. I replied with a simple okay.

We got to the park in silence. I felt my arms prick with ice. A sign of an apparition. I look around and I see a man with a top hat and cane looking at me. His aura was neutral, which means he's a good bad spirit. I never encountered anything like it. "What?" Ethan asked. "Nothing" I say. "Addy, you look like you just saw a ghost" E stated. "I did" I shrugged. "What do they look like?" he asked. "He has a top hat, a cane with a bird head on it. He has a thick well-kept beard" I say. "Spooky" he says. I just nodded. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Make sure he stays safe" the man had a gravel voice. "Who?" I asked. "Your friend" he smiled softly. His eyes were a coco brown and his lips were like Brendon Urie's. Soon enough, he disappeared.

That was the weirdest encounters I've ever had with an apparition. I don't know how to feel about it. I can already tell that Ethan and I have another mission to solve or to do. I know that E won't do it because the last one really took a toll on him and me included.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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