[08] winter formal becomes hellfire pt 2.

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w o r d s: 2824

p a g e s: 9

Four weeks go by and tomorrow is the winter formal. Everyone is skipping classes to get final touches like accessories and shoes and bags. Adylyn and I already have everything we need. Tomorrow Adylyn has an appointment for her hair and makeup and her nails which I will never understand why girls need to get all glammed up for something small like this and some boys as well. It makes me laugh overhearing people stress about the little things in class. Whispering to each other or texting each other. Adylyn and I were on her floor as she flipped through her Paranormal textbook probably looking for clues about my kind. It's quite hilarious to witness. "Let's do something" I say. "Like what?" Ady asked me slamming her textbook closed. "I dunno, anything" I say. "Well, we can hang out with Ethan and his date" she suggested. "I mean sure" I shrug. "Cool, do you know Scarlett Armstrong?" Adylyn asked. I shake my head. "Well, she's in E's class" she explained. I nodded. I need to learn more about Ethan as possible. "Where are we meeting them?" I asked. "The café as always" Adylyn laughs. "Of course," I laugh along.

The closet doors opened slightly and Adylyn snaps her head to the doors. Fucking brats. I look and the little monster poked her head out and Adylyn's face drained. "Ady?" I asked, "I can explain" I say. her wide eyes looked into my soul. "They've had been here this whole goddamn time!?" she gets up. "You can see them?" I asked. "Yes, and I can see who you really are" she backs up from me. "I can explain" I say reaching out to her. "No, no stay away from me!" she stated and bolted out the door. I spin around to look at the girl. "I told you to stay put, you bitch" I grumbled. "I- I'm sorry" she cried running out of the closet. "Oh no you don't" I say catching her and pulling her back to the closet. "I swear to god, if she and her friends come after me to save your asses, you're going with me" I threatened. Charles and Lena held each other out of fright. I closed the doors and tied something around the handles so they won't escape. I need to find Adylyn and explain myself if she would listen to me.

I rake my hands through my hair angrily. "Happy now bitch?" I growled at Alice. "Yes" a simple wispy voice rang next to me. I snap my head to my right. There was my wife; Alice whom I murdered all those decades ago. No one expected me. "You are a real pain, you know that?" I say going into the 'Dark Matter' to talk to my beloved. "The girl was going to find out sooner or later, Philly" she uses the nickname she uses to call me. "I have to admit, the girl has strong senses" I say. "Yet, you're falling in love with her" Alice stated with a soft, heartbroken smile. "I am not" I say crossing my arms. "I know the look all to well, Phillip" she sweetly stated. I roll my eyes. "Phil, you have to move on, Ethan is your great, great grandson leave him be" she scolds like I'm her child. "He needs to be in his place, he shouldn't be friends with a Young" I snapped. We were best friends before so; we were actually in love? No, I wasn't never in love with her. She was though. She loved the kids, I didn't. I never wanted kids. We were both thirty at the time. Alice rolls her eyes looking at the brats. "What did you do to them?" she snapped. "Teaching them a lesson" I stated flatly.

It's getting closer to the formal and Adylyn hasn't even looked at me since she found out about Ali's kids in my closet. Every time I say something to her, her face gets pale and turns away from me. It kind of hurts, it shouldn't though. I swallow my pride as I see Adylyn and Ethan talking on a bench all hush, hush about something. Adylyn and I locked eyes but she quickly looks away and resumes the conversation. I sighed as I approach them. "Adylyn, can I talk to you? In private?" I asked as I reached them. "If you want to talk to my best friend you have to talk to me too, packaged deal" Ethan flatly stated. I sighed frustratedly. "Fine, can we talk privately then?" I asked. The wonder twins nodded and we headed to the dorms. There was a pit in my stomach so large I thought I was going to vomit.

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