[03] figuring everything out.

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w o r d s: 2022

p a g e s: 6

When Adylyn told me she saw ghosts, I didn't know what to think. I still don't know what to think. I mean it's cool that she sees ghosts. Kind of freaky but also so cool. It helps that I'm such a believer in the paranormal. We were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch talking about what happen. "I still think we are related" Adylyn tells me. "But didn't you say she was a blonde?" I asked. "Yeah? I mean my aunt is a blonde" Ady says taking a sip of water. "Okay you got me, but Lena though you think that it's your childhood friend, Lena?" I asked through a mouthful of food. "I'm not sure, it'll be crazy if it was" she laughs. "Yeah, it would be" I say nodding.

We finished our lunch and headed back to her dorm. "How long are we going to do this for?" I asked. "As long as it takes" she sighs. "Have you done this before?" I asked again. "Do what?" Ady questioned. "Look for ghost children" I say. "Nope, this is a first" she laughs sticking the key in the keyhole. "Huh, that surprises me" I say flopping on her bed. "Yeah, me too to be honest" Adylyn says sitting on the floor. "Now, let's crack at it again" I crack my knuckles. "Yeah, I don't know how long it'll take" Ady tells me. "Figured" I say looking down at her. she shrugs opening her notebook. "Hey, can you hand me a pen? It's in my desk drawer" Adylyn points to the left drawer. I nod getting one of her favorite pens and tossing it to her. "Thank you" she smiled. "Of course," I nod. "Maybe we should go to the library for this" Ady suggested. "What do we ask for?" I asked now sitting on the bed. "Ask for information on someone called Alice Young" my best friend shrugged. "What if they don't have anything?" I asked. "E, be optimistic once in your life" she laughs. "Okay, fine" I laugh.

We walk out of the dorm and headed to the library. "God, why am I nervous?" Adylyn asked shaking her hands. "We got this, Ady" I tell her. She nods confidently. We walk to the librarian. "Hello, what can I do you for?" she asked. She had bright red hair down to her collar bones. She had eyes big and round like little moons. She was wearing a very hideous shirt, like a curtain that your grandma would have. Paisley, she was wearing paisley. "We are working on a paper and we need some information" Ady tells the lady. "Sure, what kind of information?" she asked. Ady and I look at each other. "A woman named Alice Young; she would have lived around this area around 1910" Ady explained. The librarian nodded disappearing in the office. "I hope there's something useful" I whispered. "Me too" Adylyn agrees.

A few minutes passed and the librarian came out with a bunch of stuff. "Wow, thank you" Ady's eyes widen. I know she absolutely adores history. "You're welcome, I hope this helps" she smiled. "I think so, thank you again" my best friend stated. "Of course, you can keep it until you're done with your paper" the librarian stated. We nod and go to an empty table in the back. "Okay, let's see what we can find" Adylyn rubs her hands together. I grab a short article with Alice's face on it. "I think this is the article I found online" I say. "Huh, I guess the article online was authentic" Ady says looking at a huge book of something. "This book is full of Alice's family" Adylyn jots down names. "Really? How would they know all of her family?" I asked. "I mean, they wouldn't have computers back then" she stated. "Cops?" I asked. "I'm guessing yeah, or a historian wrote them down" Ady theorized. "That too" I say. We sift through the papers jotting down anything useful. "Oh! I found something about her kids!" Ady says happily. "Really?" I look at the article. "Yeah, look" she hands me the delicate paper. The boy who I think is Charles had a mop of reman noodles on the top of his head and piercing big blue eyes. He had a gap between his front teeth. He had dimples imprinted in his cheeks. The girl who is Lena had long blond hair who was also very curly. She had emerald big eyes that hold so much imagination. She didn't have a gap between her front teeth, she did however, have a missing tooth on the bottom. "Is that your Lena?" I asked. "I think so, her features match with mine written down" she says.

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