[07] winter becomes hellfire pt 1.

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w o r d s: 1173
p a g e s: 3

Today marks the end of the week which means I get to take Adylyn off campus. I know she knows who I'm really am. I hid from her for so long and I have to say, I'm intrigued by her beauty and her smarts. I made this form so Adylyn could be more comfortable with me and I think it's working. She asked me to the winter formal which is in four weeks. We already decided on a color; navy blue which is our favorite color. I was sitting in my dorm tossing a football up and down while Adylyn was doing her homework. "We haven't decided on what we are going to do" she tells me with her pen in her mouth. "What do you want?" I asked catching the football. She just shrugs. "Adylyn" I say now sitting on the floor. "How about a movie?" she asked. "Hm, boring how about an arcade?" I asked. "Hm, I like that" she beamed. "Cool, we also have to go and pick out your dress" I tell her. "Yeah, I know" Adylyn stated closing her textbook.

Alice's kids are really annoying the absolute crap out of me. They are in the closet, hidden from Adylyn. "I want to go home" the girl; Lena whines. "Shut up" I say turning into my actual from. Charles; the boy is quiet. He's scared as he should. "Please" she whines her blonde hair is matted and dirty. "No" I bellowed as I slapped the girl causing her to cry. "Your mother knows what she did, for that I'm letting her suffer" I growled. "Keaton? Where did you go?" Adylyn asked holding food from the cafeteria. "Be quiet, she can sense you" I hushed going in the bathroom. I flushed and fixed my hair in the mirror. "Here" I say with a fake smile. "Hey, I got food" she smiled causing her nose to crinkle. "Lemme guess, sandwiches?" I asked teasingly. "Always" she laughs studying my face. "What?" I asked scrunching my eyebrows together. "Nothing, you seem tense" Adylyn touches my face causing me to relax. I shouldn't be falling for this girl. I need her to be distracted from everything. I need her to be vulnerable. I don't want her to know Charles and Lena were right underneath her nose the whole time.

We eat and talk about the winter formal. "Long dress or short?" Adylyn asked me. "Hm, whatever you feel comfortable with" I replied. "You're sweet" Adylyn smiled softly. I shrugged. I think the dances are lame and not my thing but I need to make Adylyn think I'm into her. "So, when do you think we can go? All the good dresses will be gone" she tells me. "Tomorrow?" I asked. "Sure, I have one class and it's in the morning" Adylyn beams then she tenses a little. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah fine" she smiled softly looking behind her. Shit, shit, SHIT! not good, not good at all. "You sure?" I asked looking at the closet. "Yeah" she smiled turning back. "You sure?  Your face is pale" I say studying her face. "I'm fine, truly" Adylyn stated. "Okay, okay" I say finishing my food. She brushes her hands and says, "I'm going to wash my hands, they are greasy." I nodded and she exited my dorm. I walk to the closet. "You brats NEED to stay put" I growled at them. They both wince. "She can't know you are in here" I say flatly. "Keaton? Who you talking to?" Ady asked. "Shut up, both of you" I whispered. "No one" I say shutting my doors. "Okayyy" she looks at me weirdly. "I have to get to class so you can stay here or whatever" I say smiling. "I might go to the library to finish my homework" Adylyn stated packing up glances at the doors. "Okay, we can meet up later if you want" I say. "Yeah, that'll be good" she beams.

I put an arm around her waist as we walk out of the dorms. It began to snow softly. The snow stuck to Adylyn's hair and lashes. She looks at me with those eyes that you instantly fall in love with. I'm not saying that I'm in love with her, I'm not that'll be ridiculous. The soft crunch of fresh snow echoes through the silent campus. Our cold hands interlock with each other. It felt nice holding her hand, it was something I haven't felt in a while. A few students were having a snowball fight like little kids. Adylyn giggles as one of the kids who have yellow (not blonde, actual dyed yellow) hair gets in the face with a snowball. I smiled at her who returned the smile.

When we finally reached the library, she tightly hugs me. I hug her back. "I'll see you later" I say kissing her hand. "You better" she teased waving. I laughed heading to my class which was biology and the Gilbert kid is in this class as well which lucky me. I can keep an eye on him. I'm pretty sure Ady told him who I really am. When he sees me his eyes dance with fright? I don't blame him, I'm a scary fellow to be messed with. I enter the classroom which is deserted. "Keaton, class is canceled today" my professor stated. "Oh" I simply stated. "Didn't you get my email?" he asked adjusting his glasses. "I didn't check my email today" I say shifting awkwardly. "Well, go to your dorm and relax" he beamed. "I will" I say with a soft smile and exited the classroom. Great, now I can't spy on Gilbert. I mean I can but it'll be less fun if I go into my actual form.

I spot Adylyn as I entered the library. I shake my hair to get rid of the snow. I walk over to her and put my hands on her shoulders. she jumps and almost slaps me. "God, Keaton you scared me" Adylyn holds her chest. "Sorry, class was canceled so I decided to see you" I beam which causing her to smile. "Well, class was canceled for me as well" Adylyn stated closing her book she was studying. "Cool, whatcha studying?" I asked looking at the textbook. "The paranormal" she stated. "You believe in that type of stuff?" I asked. "Yeah, I do what about you?" she questioned. "Nah" I shake my head putting my feet up on the table. "Why not?" Adylyn asked. "I just believe that when we pass on, we just pass on, we don't go to heaven or hell or whatever we are just put in the ground to rot" I shrug. "Well, I think that our spirits turn into spirits if we have unfinished business to attend too, you know?" she looks at me. "You're a strange gal" I say. "Just because I believe in the spirit realm?" Ady questioned. "Yes" I say.

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