Attempt to save Cloudjumper

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"I wish that we had a chance to test your antidote in a less volatile situation, but time conspires against us. Astrid has spotted Grimmel headed to New Berk... with Cloudjumper under his thrall. He must not be allowed to arrive at our haven. He must not succeed. Let's take the fight to him in the safety of the open waters, before he can reach our home."

We find Valka in the seas. My friends helped decided to help us out too. In the distance, we saw boats and a airship with Deathgripper's coming toward us. "Here they come! We'll try to buy you as much time as you need to throw the antidote onto Cloudjumper. Tell Valka the plan while we start the attack!" As Astrid called Ashley and Rowan to start the first wave.

"I see. This could possibly work. I only wish that I could help more than simply waiting with an escape plan." Valka said while she was grounded to the boat. "Hey, we don't have time for philosophizing and dillydallying! Come join me and the rest of us in destroying these attack ships!" I growled in frustration as I was forced to leave Valka's side. Snoutlout and I use our dragons fire to destroy the lead ship and it proved effective.

Hovever, Cloudjumper and 2 Deathgrippers were advancing and enfrenting Astrid. Cloudjumper fires at Stormfly that falls down instantly, and Astrid fell off her back. "Astrid! No!" Ashley cried out, while evading a Deathgripper. "Is she all right? We need to help her. I'll give you cover fire!" Rowan yelled, while distracting the Deathgripper's with Ashley. I landed next to Astrid as Cloudjumper was still hovering above her.

"It's okay, it's okay; he just grazed me. I can fight. Oh, boy. We sure could use a little calming down from Valka's big friend here." She said while panting a bit, Stormfly managed to stand up and screeched at Cloudjumper. He roared in anger as a response to her outburst. "I wish we had time to try the antidote now, but I need your help to repel these dragons! Join me and we'll beat these dragons back for good."

Time skip after battle...

"Yes! Now you'll have a clear line of attack on Cloudjumper." Cloudjumper roared furiously at Astrid. "Uh-oh. Looks like we've grabbed his attention... and Stormfly's not healthy enough to take on the fight. You're going to need to throw the antidote onto him. He's locked his attention on you, though, so you'll have to fly swift and evade the fireballs. You can do it!" She cheered, I mounted off Storm while also getting close to Cloudjumper.

I dodged every one of his fireballs until I get close enough to throw the antidote, it ends up hitting a Deathgripper instead. "NO!" Astrid screamed in panic. "Enough! We need to get out of here before we get wounded more. Everyone, retreat to New Berk!" She cried out, everyone disengaged from the battlefield and hurried over to leave while Grimmel still held control over Cloudjumper.

We reached New Berk, but everyone was quiet. "I'm so glad you're safe!" Hiccup cried out happily. Everyone looked at each other with disappointment. "You look like it didn't go well. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there with you. "But. I think the battle might have been better for us than you think. Something interesting's happened." He said with playfulness in his voice. "Umm, okay? What is it?" I asked with curiosity.

"Snotlout filled me in when he came back from the battle. You did a great job, Y/N - you really did. We'll get another chance to free Cloudjumper soon enough, I promise. After all, we only had a prototype to see if it would work. We tried it out in the field, and now we have more information about how it performs." Hiccup explained to me.

"It wasn't a total bust, though! If you head on over to the stables, You might see an interesting surprise." I made my way over to the stables with my friends and saw Fishlegs trying to get close with the Deathgripper. "Hey there, big guy... Fishmeat and I aren't going to hurt you. Let us come a little closer and help you clean your wounds." The dragon only growled at him and threatened to sting him with his stinger. "Y/N! You can help me!" He cried out.

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