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This was a fucking problem, no, there were multiple problems. The heist was meant to be a cash grab, but the FBI had clearly been on their asses since the break in. Dallas ducked for cover and quickly reloaded, his wings twitched at the sound of a bullet clipping the meal table he had taken cover behind. Wolf shouted something in swedish as he and hoxton shot their way through a mini horde of SWAT officers, some gurgling as wolf blew their heads apart. Dallas joined in with the gun fight and picked off a few sheilds remaining at the back waiting to jump the two maniacs. Bain announced, to all their relief, that the assult was over, houston shouted dallas over when he and chains cleared the last few surviving officers, dallas rushed over to them, not wanting to be caught in the middle of a gunfight between chains and a armoured FBI agent after that army they faced off. Wolf and hoxton ran in and took cover behind a wall. Wolf was panting, his ears slightly less perky then when they started this bank heist. Hoxton was panting as well, dallas put a medic bag out and placed it down, wolf and hoxton desended apon it and in 5 minutes, it was empty, The drill screeched and stopped drilling, houston grumbled

"please don't be jammed" mumbled houston

Chain pulled the drill away, he and wolf quickly dismantled it, hoxton and dallas pulled open the safe, they all rushed in, a sigh of relief was shared as the barred door inside the vault had been left open.

"Grab a bag and lets get the fucking hell outta here" said dallas

Everyone nodded and stuffed money into the bags until they were full, everyone, except houston and dallas, put the bags on their backs, dallas slung one over his shoulder, houston coppied. Everyone bolted out the vault as bain told them a sweet little good luck just as the next FBI assult started. dallas peeked his head out onto the steet only to have about 3 rounds emptied towards him, he stepped behind the safety of the wall, wolf took out a sniper with his pistol and reloaded. Dallas looked at the guys

"everyone give me the bags, i can fly over to the van to dump them, it will save you all energy, i can cover but we also have the cars" said dallas

Houston was initially against the idea and wanted to help with the loot, but hoxton took some of it and said he would run across the road while dallas went. Wolf through a smoke grenade he borrowed of a corpse to give cover, he had another one left. Dallas and hoxton bolted to the van and dumped the money into it, dallas shouted for the rest to follow and hoxton quickly emptied his round and killed half the front two rows of FBI. Wolf looked at chains and houston, chains nodded and he threw it in the middle of the street, they all ran across the road, wolf and chains jumped into the van, hoxton walked back into it, dallas stepped back. They were all about to calm until bain announced something, the crackling of gunshots covered it but by the way dallas immediatly tried to dash out the van and wolf nearly getting crushed made the others realise what was going on, chains grabbed dallas arm and pulled him back. Hoxton heard houston yelling for help. Wolf got up to assist chains, Hoxton growled and grabbed some ammo, he jumped out the van and shot the oncoming FBI. Dallas used wolfs panic to escape the two and ran out after, Houstons cries were getting more desperate every second. Dallas ran out into the street, hoxton came out from behind cover and shot the FBI before dallas was put in the same situation. Wolf shouted something and appeared behind hoxton, also shooting the FBI, chains took cover behind a wall near the van and shot the tasers at the sides. Dallas quicky picked houston up and curled of of his wings around houston to protect him from the bullets and ran back to the ven, he shouted for everyone to follow, which was nearly missed by the gun fight wolf was majorly enjoying, that was until he nearly had a hole his head. Chains retreated into the van, wolf and hoxton quickly followed. When they were all in the van, the driver made no hesitation to get out of there and immediatly loose the FBI, which wasn't difficult when you've been doing this job for a few years. Houston was obviously shaken by that near miss and was trying to hide under his own and dallas's wings, this nobody minded as it was usual when they did a mallcrasher heist for vald and a group gang up on him. Bain wasn't taking any of ot however and shouted down dallas and hoxtons coms at them. Dallas was use to this by now and would sometimes retort with small bits of infomaion bain got wrong. Bain usually didn't yell at dallas for too long but since hoxton got involved it was different, hoxton rolled his eyes at most the stuff said. Dallas noticed wolf was starting to get a headache and sighed

"alright guys, coms out" sighed dallas

Wolf happily ripped the coms out of his ear, chains took his out, hoxton, dallas and houston all pulled theirs out, houston shuffled even further under dallas's wing. Hoxton leant on the side of the van, chains easily fell asleep, wolf was reloading his guns and checking his hand drill. The driver dropped them off at the safe house. Everyone, except dallas and a terrifyed houston, picked up the loot bags, wolf and hoxton ended up messing around and throwing it all into the vault, chains dumped bags in there and wet to get food, just to throw it at wolf later. Dallas and houston had disappeared into dallas's office already. Once wolf and hoxton were finished messing around they went up to the kitchen and sat at the counter, wolf looked at hoxton.

"why'd you help houston? i thought you hated him" asked wolf

"it doesn't mean im gonna leave him to go to custody" said hoxton

Wolf sighed "i knew that idiot, i meant why did you go out and risk it solo?"

"again, im not going to leave him to custody, and i kinda guessed dallas was gonna get free anyway so i wanted to give him more time."

Wolf just nodded. Hoxton sighed "and i know what it's like to be left behind"

Wolf just slowly nodded, not ever wanting to remeber how that jewelery store heist went and how he nearly murdered dallas when trying to get back out. Hoxton heard shuffling, he looked back

"hey hou, you alright?"

Houston merely shrugged and looked at the floor, wolf noticed hoxtons ears go down a bit. They all heard chains yelled something, and 3 seconds later dallas run past being chased by him. One of wolf's ears went down in confusion, houstons wings twiched as he watched them, hoxton sighed, his ears pricked again. Dallas would constanty avoid chains, who everyone could tell was getting increasingly (<<< is this a word?) annoyed via his tail curling and uncurling constanty. Hoxton eventually got up to help catch dallas but houxton, suddenly thinking a 2 v 1 was unfair hopped onto his back and pinned him down.

"YA WANKER GET OFF" yelled hoxton, visably annoyed he got jumped by houston. Wolf sat there snickering, dallas used this as a distraction and escaped chains, who had now given up, and went to his office to hide away from it all. Houston got off hoxton and walked after dallas, wolf helped hoxton up. Chains sat down on the sofa, his tail curling and uncurling repeatedly. Houton walked upstairs 5 minutes later

"dal's planning again, so he won't be coming out anytime soon" said houston

Everyone nodded, houston yawned and streched his wings, after making sure nobody would get hit, and everybody knew not to touch any bird hybrids wings as they were very sensitive when feathers were moved. Wolf yawned and looked at houstons wings before going to his bed and falling onto it, he fell asleep quiet easily, chains fell asleep soon after, nobody really cared after what they went through. Houston folded his wings and looked around before heading to his own room, hoxton sighed and got himself a drink. He leaned on the counter and looked at the guys asleep. Houston threw a blanket over wolf, which was immediatly nuzzled into by the wolf, and sat at the counter, hoxton loked at him, houston was looking through the apples they had and took one, he started eating it and turned his back to hoxton. Dallas appeared and made himself a coffee, houston did notice some bullet grazes on dallas's wings as well as a few other wounds, so he was guessing thats what chains saw, hoxton must of noticed them too but neither said anything about it, he made his coffee and went back to his office. Houston kept eating his apple and hoxton kept drinking.

"shit" muttered hoxton

"what?" asked houston

"we never told bain to shut up"

Houston started laughing, hoxton chuckled.

"Ah shit, we better play along because he is most likely ranting right now"

(( A/N

MY HAND, IT HURTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, also thanks for reading my book. its terrible but i had fun brainstorming this. again thanks for reading my shit

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