
42 0 12

((Still going. Trying to make up for being gone for so long so ye

Dallas looked at the trade sight, neither he or hoxton trusted this one bit, clover was definitely on edge and houston looked like he wanted this to be over with. Dallas sighed 

"Lets get this done, I don't want to stick around long" said dallas

The rest of the crew nodded and they all picked up a painting, clover was glad they only got four out as it was easier transport. Houston was watching the back while hoxton and dallas got into the trailer, hoxton picked up a phone call. The all got a bad feeling after placing the paintings on the table and the called told them to all get in the trailer. Hoxton looked at the two ghosts, both of them were reluctant. Dallas and hoxton both knew if clover and houston weren't happy with something on a job, then it usually always had a bad outcome. Dallas looked at the two

"Keep the door ajar, hopefully this thing doesn't have safety lock and its as rundown as it looks" said hoxton

"Probably will and we will be trapped in here" muttered houston, clover looked at him

"Thanks for that" sighed clover. Dallas sighed and clover picked up the next call, bain took note on how sketchy this trade was, dallas quickly agreed over coms. Bain got them a pick up immediately incase something went wrong. Hoxton sighed when they heard a chopper overhead

"Wanker won't even face us" huffed hoxton

"Bastards, somethings up"  said clover

"Hope this isn't a sell out" muttered houston, mainly to dallas

Dallas nodded at hox and clover but looked at houston "i hope it ain't, or this guy will get some problems"

Houston slightly nodded, the panel in the roof of the trailer nodded

"Throw the paintings up here! One bag of cash for one painting!" Shouted the dealer.

Dallas looked at hoxton, who has already thrown up the first painting, clover caught the first bag and handed it to houston, houston out it over his shoulder, dallas handed hoxton the third painting this hoxton had already thrown the second up, hey moved quickly and the chopper left, clover adjusted the strap on the money bag she was carrying, houston looked at the door they originally entered through

"Fuck, its closed. That safety lock thing still works" grumbled houston, hoxton sighed. Bain piped up

"I have a van through the warehouse, I don't like this gang, get moving" said bain

"You're not the only one" muttered clover

The four moved out the trailer and entered the warehouse, shouting began, they all knew there was an ambush and headed for cover, houston looked around. He went slightly pale, they had just done a rookie mistake, they had all split up. Houston cursed and got his assault rifle ready, he heard dallas's pistol picking off some cops, clover skidded over next to hoxton, he was shooting off some SWAT. Clover looked around to see if she could find out where the siblings scattered to. Houston came out from cover and shot before having to duck down. Hoxton nodded towards houstons location, clover shouted to houston, houston looked over and managed to scramble over to them. Clover shot at the SWAT as houston reloaded. Hoxton looked around

"Anyone know where dallas went?" Asked hoxton

"I heard him shooting but I haven't seen him" said houston

Clover ducked down and reloaded "well we better find him before the Cops do"

Houston shot at a taser, bain announced the escape van had arrived and it was outside the warehouse. The three started to move to the doors at the back of the warehouse, houston looked around while they were hacking the door. It opened, clover and hoxton ran out towards the van, houston stayed behind, jacket was near the van shooting the cops that got to close. Hoxton looked back at houston

"You're gonna get yourself killed ya twat! Get to the van!" Shouted hoxton

"We can't leave dallas!" Shouted houston

"He knows the rules, if he doesn't make it soon, he knows we're gonna leave him here"

Houston stepped back a bit into the warehouse. Hoxton sighed, he looked at clover, who was quite happily mowing down cops with jacket, houston took off back into the warehouse, hoxton sighed

"You two. Keep the money and van safe!" Yelled hoxton, throwing a bag at jacket, he caught it and threw it into the van

"You got it lad" shouted clover.

Hoxton ran back into the warehouse after houston, once he found him, hoxton managed to loop his arm between the bag and houstons wings and back, he started dragging him back towards the van, houston started struggling

"No! We can't leave him!" Yelled houston 

"If he makes it we'll see him at the van" said hoxton

"What if he gets caught! We can't let him go to custody!" 

"Sadly thats a constant danger, bain should get him out"

"He didn't get you out though" Houston whispered 

Thankfully they had gotten to the van, hoxton threw houston in.

"Het in people! We can't stick around!" Shouted hoxton

Jacket got in, he was quick to push houston to the back of the van. Clover looked around "come on you fucking bastard"

Clover took shelter from a sniper and shot at them, jacket kept houston at the back of the van. Hoxton kept watch in the area and shot some cops, bain told them the assault was over and that dallas was downed. Clover ran out and found dallas, she helped him up and practically dragged him back to the van, dallas shot at some cops and they made it. Clover pushed dallas into the van, hoxton jumped out and shoved clover to the floor, jacket jumped out while dallas kept houston inside the van, two sniper shot were heard and clover head the bullets hit hoxton, she got slightly worried since she didn't see or hear the bullets go through. She pushed hoxton off her, jacket helped hoxton up and back into the van, clover climbed in after shooting the two snipers down. Dallas got out a medic bag

"Get his body armour off" said dallas

Jacket managed to get the armour off and dallas managed to find the two bullet holes, clover growled, houston looked at her. Dallas worked on getting the bullets out, jacket sat by clover. They got back to the safehouse, dallas and clover helped hoxton to the med bay. Houston followed after dallas, Jacket grabbed some pokey and started eating it.

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