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Mario kart was great, hoxton was winning, wolf was second, jacket was third and sokol was fourth. Dallas got a call from bain and picked up, he left the room to talk to him while houston and clover got into a  stealth talk. After about 6 mintues of swedish, russian and british yelling, dallas walked back in, jacket was now second with wolf in third while hoxton and sokol hadn't changed positions. They had finished the 4 race tournament and were all laughing, except sokol who was pouting and sitting there, crossed legged, and crossed arms over his chest, pretty much being a toddler. Houston sipped his hpt chocolate and looked at dallas.

"elephant has a mission for us." sighed dallas

This cause about three groans from, mainly, the hiesters that loved to go in loud. Dallas rolled his eyes

"stealth mission, art gallery, you know the drill" dallas looked at wolf, who had his ears perked "not that kind"

Wolf shrugged at this, but did look slightly disappointed, everyone could tell by the way his ears dropped a bit. Houston nodded at dallas "so normal?"

"not really..." started dallas

"welp! theres gonna be cloakers and dozers!" huffed hoxton

"let me finish before you assume things hox" dallas sipped his coffee "there won't be cloakers but snipers and heavily armoured FBI, so what bain would call 'very hard'"

This caused clover to groan in annoyance and houston to put his mug down, almost wanting to break it but not doing so. Dallas sighed

"lets get this over with, alright people? we can go to the tasteful afterwards"

This seemed to get everyone caalm enough to get in the van with the stuff they needed, and houston calm enough not to ram some people cars while driving. They got to the gallery, it was still open so cover and houston went in to find the paintings that were marked, some small fox hybrid tugged was looked at houston and clover, they walked over to clover and houston and looked up at them

"are you two a couple?" asked the kid

Clover started coughing and laughing, houston shook his head and patted her back

"no, we're just friends" said houston

The kid nodded and walked off, he tugged his mothers hand, houston made sure clover was actually breathing and dragged her to another room, away frm the fox child. Clover took note on how houstons wings shifted nervously. She eventually got breathing again and they continued the search for the marked paintings, they found them all and were just looking for the camera's and where they were positioned, the little fox kid walked over and pointed at them again, clover sighed

"little fox, imbound" mumbled clover

"i've seen 'em" muttered houston

They pretended not to notice the kid and kept talking, and planning, to each other. The kid tugged houstons wing which litrally made him jump, the kids mother pulle her sons hand away from houstons wing.

"Never touch a birds wing!" hissed the mother

"s-sorry, i just wanted his attention" mumbled the kid, clover checked houstons wings to see if feathers were moved and shook her head when they were fine, she then put her hands on her hips and stared at the mother and kid

"can we help you?" asked clover

The kid looked at the ground and started kicking dirt that wasn't there, the mother scoffed at clover

"yes, my kid said you two weren't together?"

clover nodded to confirm, houston looked at them and put his hands behind his back and mainly looked at the kid. The mother stared at him for a second before smiling at clover

"he is free yes?"

"money wise, no, relationship wise, maybe"

the mother looked confused, she tilted her head and one of her ears went down.

"so he's not in a-"

"Ohhhh! thats a debate! someone likes him though" clover looked at houston and smirked, houston just looked away and crossed his arms. The mother scoffed and left them alone, the kid looked at clover

"sorry about my mom, she said he looks like someone with a lot of money and wanted to get my sister with him" the kid fumbled with his fingers, clover knealt down and rubbed the kids head, he looked at her and smiled, she smiled back

"don't listen to her alright?

The kid smiled and nodded "alrighty miss! i won't!"

The kid ran off and back to thier mother, houston punched clover in the shoulder, she looked at him

"hey i need that!" laughed clover, houston rolled his eyes and they left the gallery, houston explained where the camera's, control room and where the paintings were. Dllas nodded, clover leaned on the wall outside and they all started having a hiester group chat, houston and wolf ended falling asleep, so dallas became a pillow, and thanks to a group vote, so did clover. The rest that were awake were all talking and laughing, just waiting to rob the gallery. They all knew it would take a while so jacket and hoxton nominated themselves to get food, they left. Dallas and clover were talking, sokol would listen and talk now and again. Houston shuffled a bit and rested against dallas's side and shoulder.


Hoxton and jacket had returned with food, wolf and houston was awake and everyone was eating, it was close to the time where they could break into the gallery. Everyone was laughing and having a good time before absolute hell would breakout, this they all knew. Bain called when it was time, everyone put their armour and put their masks on, all heading to get to the stairs at the other side of the building. Hoxton, dallas and sokol went onto the room, houston lock picked the door and got in, he, jacket and clover got into the gallery. Dallas would radio were the guards were and jacket would destroy the camera's, clover and houston got 3 paintings out, sokol and jacket ended up being the ones to take them to the van, clover and houston got the fourth painting. Dallas looked down through a window. Wolf cursed in swedish and radioed clover something. she panicked and grabbed houstons arm, trying to run for the halls. The gates went down, trapping them insde. Hoxton and dallas nodded at each other and hopped into the main room, sokol, wolf and jacket followed soon after, houston and clover rushed over to the gang.  They all got their guns ready, wolf personally hunted down the guard that radioed the coppers and murdered him with one of the gates. Dallas sighed

"well, looks like we're fighting our way out of hell" said hoxton

"thats one thing you got right" sighed sokol

"well gang, this is why we have guns" said dallas, everyone nodded as the first assult wave began.


1103 words. thanks for reading this shit again, also i had to add an entilted parent, sorry but i didn't think i would be able to go to a gallery without some posh fuck walking up to me and start being entitled. also this was missing something stupid so yeah.

anyway im out, see ya all agin sometime soon i guess

payday hybridsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя