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((rapid fire chapter time

Dallas took cover behind cover of one of the walls, wolf and houston had been seperated off from the gang due to a little dozer issue, and wolf's insane idea to run off while there was a chance, houston not even liking the idea chased after to try get wolf back, then the next assult started,  and jacket had been beating skulls in to try clear them a path back. The simple message bain gave got dallas running to aid hoxton, clover was already there trying to drag hoxton behind cover. Dallas ran over and started shooting the police to give them cover, clover immediatly helped hoxton to his feet, dallas saw jacket beat in another skull and rushed over help. Wolf and houston seemed to be held up behind the front desk and counldn't escape out of it without being downed or shot. Hoxton and clover followed after, houston did have the last painting on his back and the plan was to wait for the SWAT to open the gates, so they could make a dash for the van, but obviously this hadn't happened and know it was a fight for survival. Wolf shouted swedish and houston stayed behind the cover, he was waiting to pop up and empty yet another round at the mini army  and for wolf to duck down. This is the tactic they were using to clear the SWAT and neither of them dying in the process of reloading while waiting for the rest of the gang or for the assult to end so they could get the fuck out of there.  Jacket ran over the gap between the hall and rthe desk and crouched down next to houston, houston pulled wolf behind the cover as three SWAT shot at him, wolf growled a bit.

"DRA ÅT HELVETE!" shouted wolf, houston was pretty sure who it was aimed at and sighed. Sokol placed down a sentry turret to try clear out some of the police to allow them all to escape, at least in one piece, and breathing would be prefered while listing what was hoped. Jacket handed houston some more ammo, houston gladly accepted and shared it out with wolf, who seemed to cheer up by the way his ears went up and his tail flicked a bit, jacket put a hand on wolf's shoulder and nodded no, wolf muttered something in swedish and nodded. Jacket and houston both looked at each other, houston sighed.

"alright, plan is we move wolf and - JACKET DUCK!"
Jacket looked back, he dropped his radio in shear panic as it a bullet tore through his wing and hit his body armour on his back. Houston pulled jacket even further behind cover and shot back behind him, they heard clover shout and ram a SWAT into a wall, hoxton and dallas had to pulled her away from its bleeding body after shewas finished stomping its head to a pulp, sokol dragged wolf out from behind the desk and they made a run for the van, houston still having the painting over his shoulder. They bolted back to the van, wolf and clover gunning down any surviving cops and SWAT befire they all got into a van. The van sped off and everyone relaxed, well everyone excpet the three birds in the van, and a wolf. Dallas was checking jackets wing, houston was holding wolf back from leaping out the van and most likely, blowing up the FBI offices. Jacket was sat there, clover was patting is head to try keep him calm, only wolf could really keep jacket from murdering most of humanity but since he was a tad busy trying to jump out a driving van doing about 36mph so clover was the next best thing. dallas sighed

"its not permanent ((<<tell me if this is spelt wrong)) but you can't fly or use this wing for about 2 weeks, alright jacket?"

Jacket nodded, they got back to the safe house, wolf went off to shoot some targets before he and dallas were called out by bain for some trade, well thats what bain called it. They left and everyone else just chilled the fuck out. This wasn't unusual for dallas and wolf to be the main duo for trades, as they had that sort of trust in each other, which usually ment one ended up either taking fire for the other, or a dozer being stabbed by a drill through the eye, by one certain wolf, becuase it nearly killed a certain golden eagle. Houston was busy bandaging up jackets wing, clover was shooting targets to lower her stress, and hoxton and sokol we're drinking theirprefered alcohols and talking about how life was and questioning some peoples pasts, mainly a mute serial killer and a hyper man child. Sydeny walked into the shooting ramge and got her gun out, she watched clover for a bit before shooting some of the other targets, gaining clover's attention.

"hey" said sydeny

"'ello" said clover

"practise or anger?"

"bit of both, mainly anger"
Sydeny nodded and they shot some of the targets for a while in scilence. It was a while before noise was heard from another part of the safe house, Clover packed up her guns on the rack outside and went up, dallas and wolf were back, and there had clearly been a mess up. Both were covered in blood, scratches and most definetly bullet wounds. Clover knew there would be underlying injuries as well, since the way these two worked, that was almost always the case. Clover sighed and walked over, hoxton was apparently still sober, while sokol was a drunken blod on the counter, hoxton got up and walked over. Clover and hoxton managed to help dallas and wolf, they got them to the medical bay, Sydeny must of told houston and jacket since they walked in a few minutes later.

"jävla affärer, jävla gängar" mumbled wolf

((TranslationFucking mafia, fucking gangs))

Dallas sighed, jacket walked over to wolf and patted his head, wolfs ears went down a bit and he leaned into jackets hand, everyone knew wolf liked his head pats, so this was normal to clam him down. Houston sat next to dallas and looked at him, dallas shrugged

"bain forgot a bit of infomation, thay was the fact they hate doing trades properly and they like foul play." said dallas

"ah, most the gangs in this fucking city then?" said houston

This made wolf snicker, jacket chuckled and kept giving wolf his head pats, clover and hoxton were outside talking, since they were terrible at dealing with injurys and would let either houston or dallas deal with that.


ahhhhh, sorry about this chapter, it is a bit bad and shorter then i like but meh. I will be adding in a duo backstory next chapter so yeah, im out

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