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Hoxton sighed "Well, we're fucked"

Houston nodded and kept eating his apple, hoxton looked at him again.

"hey? how come i barely see any hawks or eagals around this damn place? citywise" asked hoxton

Houston just shrugged and kept eating "apperently eagles are born into higher class families, ya know, because they're rare, im not sure about hawks though, so for now im suprised to police haven't gone 'oh look, a hawk, theres a hawk in the payday, lets get him' since i don't see many at all"

Hoxton laughed a bit, clover and jacket walking in, hoxton looked at them

"aright, who killed what?" asked hoxton

"jacket murdered a ton of coppers, i got a lot of drugs outta the sate" said clover

"hector" muttered houston

Jacket and clover went and threw the pay they got into the vault, houston got up and threw the core in the bin, clover and jacket were talking in a corner near the sofa chains was lying on. Clover took note of how 2 of the main 4 were asleep at 1pm and would ask later, since they would usually be up until around 10ish at night. Jacket looked at one of his wings and started mesing around with his feathers, clover walked over to hoxton, he finished his alcohol and looked at her

"sup" said hoxton

"hey. whats up with chains and wolf, i thought those two were endless amounts of energy?" asked clover

Hoxton put the bottle down.  "a heist that didn't go to plan"

Clover nodded, she looked at wolf and chains before looking at hoxton again.

"who did we nearly loose this time? whenever you say that it means someone nearly went to jail"


Clovers ears went up slightly "that means dallas lost it"

Hoxton just nodded, clover patted his shoulder and went over to jacket, who was petting the wolf behind one of the ears. He stopped when clover walked over though. Hoxton went down into the safehouse and towards dallas's office. Houston was leaning on a wall inside his office talking to him, hoxton could tell by the fact dallas was talking back meant he wasn't actually planning, he knocked on the wall and walked in

"you two are great at hiding shit" said hoxton

Dallas looked at him, his wings slightly unfolded "we weren't hiding anything"

Houston looked at Hoxton, hearing happy yells from above made his wings twitch, hoxton heard joy and sokol yelling and talking, so he knew who was around. Dallas and houston kept talking and hoxton would join in everynow and again with small jokes or silly line that would make houston snicker. Joy eventually ran down and knocked on the wall, dallas sighed

"5 minutes joy" said dallas

Joy was abput to retort but dallas looked at her "hoxton is second in command and houston is here to help planning for the next stealth mission"

Joy nodded and said her hello's to dallas and hoxton before hugging houston and nuzzling him, she giggles and started purring. Houstons wings shifted uncomfortably, he looked at dallas and hoxton for help against the clingy cat hybrid. Dallas sighed

"alright, times up" said dallas

"can i take houston with me?" asked joy

"no, he's helping with planning"

Joy huffed and pouted before running off, houston was just staring at the ground. Hoxton watched her run off before looking at houston

"I think that kitty has a thing for ya houston" said hoxton

Houston didn't respond, dallas got up and walked over, houston just tried to hide under one of his wings again

dallas chuckled "thought so"

Hoxton looked at dallas "wait what, is he scared?"

dallas shook his head, houston hide futher under his wing "no, he just gets embarrased very easily, its funny sometimes but he likes to hide under his or my wings because thats where he feels safe"

Hoxton nodded and looked at houston, he and dallas started talking about older heists and how bulldozers use to be able to run, which houston immediatly pointed out would be terrifying to see during a smoke grenade assult and retorted somwthing about cloakers when hoxton said nothing was scarrier then a running dozer. Dallas picked up his cup of coffee and drank from it, just listening to the two of them. They eventuyally stopped talking, houston reappeared from under dallas's wing and ran off upstairs, dallas and hoxton went up after him, joy was hugging houston and had her tail curled around his leg. Wolf was awake and trying to save him but joy was having none of it and kept hugging him. Sokol waved at dallas, dallas just nodded to aknowlege him before looking at joy, wolf went over to hoxton and said something in swedish, and since hoxton had gotten to know some swedish via wolf, he just nodded, getting the idea of what was said and sighed

"joy refuses to release him" huffed hoxton.

Dallas sighed, houston looked at him, joy nuzzled into his neck making him go slightly red, dallas motioned for him to open his wings, houston did so, making joy let him go as she was thrown off. Houston ran over to dallas for cover, folding his wings once behind dallas, joy ran for safety, not wanting a few new bullet holes to add to the many scars and cuts she already had. Jacket and clover were on the sofa cuddling and looking like sushi rolls. Wolf was quite happy after his nap, houston stayed behind dallas, messing with some feathers on his wings and looking at the feathers he was messin around with, dallas went and got himself some coffee and housrton went after for hot chocolate. Wolf challenged hoxton and jacket to mario kart, clover chose just to watch them, knowing she would throw them off rainbow road immediatly. Dallas and houston watched from the kitchen, talking and drinking their drinks. Sokol walked in and wanted to join, they did and everyone chose their characters, wolf was baby luigi, jacket chose toad, hoxton chose king boo, sokol chose koopa. The first race was hectic as wolf and sokol would yell in their native tounge man y times. like when they threw blue shells or were hit into last. Clover, houston and dallas were happy they chose to stay out of it.



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