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((This chapter is a backstory on how two of our clowns met, so no heists for this one. But there is violence, also, the video is the song i was listening to while writing, so if you want to listen to it while reading feel free too

Oh! Italics in this chapter are things that happened in the past, just saying now.

Dallas got up and left, despite wolf and houston telling him otherwise, jacket stopped patting wolf and started fiddling with his feathers out of boredom. Wolf fell asleep and hugged a pillow, which made jacket smile a bit, houston noticed.

"Hey? Jacket?" Asked houston

Jacket looked up at houston.

"How did you meet wolf? I know he brought you into the gang but he never told us how he met you" 

Jacket sighed a bit, he motioned for houston to get a pen and some paper, houston got up and got the pen and paper before handing it to jacket. Jacket did a little scribble with the pen to see if it worked before he started to write, houston just watched.

((Rest of story will be the past, its gonna be written the same as the other chapters

Jacket sighed and stuffed his hands into his pockets, it was raining and sadly, he didn't have a hood to cover his head with, so he just dealt with the weather. His friends  were around keeping track on the russians, he didn't care for that as when the mask was off, he didn't interact with his gang. Hearing laughter form one of the alleys he was passing made jacket raise his head to look down, of course, one of the younger gangs were down it, jacket watched for a bit, thinking they were messing around with a stray or were fighting among themselves. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the alley he noticed a person, curled up defending themselves from the gang. Jacket growled slightly under his breath and crouched down behind the wall when the lookout checked the alley entrance, he texted one of his pals to bring him his bat before leaning out from behind cover. The one thing jacket didn't want was for them to draw their guns on the person. Hearing a motorbike got jacket looking at his friend. They handed him his bat, jacket nodded. His friend sped away, jacket checked to see if the street was clear before putting his mask on and entering the alley.

Houston looked at jacket slightly confused "why did you do that?"

Jacket shrugged 'i hate seeing innocents get hurt for others entertainment, if it was a 1v1 I would've left it, but it wasn't fair on him"

Houston nodded. Jacket continued writing.

The gang looked at jacket, jacket hit his bat into his hand, they stopped beating the person, the person looked up and around before pressing themselves in the corner to stay out of sight, jacket hit his bat into his hand again before smashing it onto one of the gang members heads, cracking their skull open, the other gang members started to panic and pulled out their guns, jacket kicked one in the gut and held another in front of him when three others shot. Jacket swiftly murdered the gang, he stomped on the leaders head, splattering it all over the floor. Hearing a whimper made jacket turn his attention to the person the gang had originally been attacking, he walking over, bloody bat in hand, and knelt in front of them, the person looked at him, mostly in shear terror. Jacket got up and looked at them, he held out his hand to help the person up, they cautiously took his hand, jacket pulled them onto their feet. He tilted his head slightly. The guy was clearly shaken up, jacket looked around before pulling off his mask, he kept  hold of the guys hand and lead him away from the alley and the  bodies. The guy just followed after in silence, jacket lead them to his apartment a few blocks away, the guy looked around a bit. Jacket pulled him inside his apartment and motioned to one of the sofa's, the guy nodded and say down on one, jacket went and got a small medic bag. He walked over and placed it down.

"tack för att du hjälpte mig, jag heter ulf." Muttered the guy, jacket slightly shrugged since he didn't understand what the guy was saying, they must have realised and looked at the ground. Jacket started checking the guy for cuts or any serious injuries. They had a few small cuts but nothing major, just plenty of bruises, jacket got his radio

'Tape rewind'"you'll be ok"'click'

The guy smiled a bit and nodded at jacket. Jacket sighed and texted his friend about the situation he found himself in. They weren't bothered by it and sent him the location of the next russian mafia attack. Jacket looked at the guy before getting his gear ready 

'Tape rewind'"I'll be "'click, rewind'"right back"'click'

The guy nodded and jacket left for the location, it was getting late when he got there, he put on his mask and managed to climb into the base, he couldn't find the godfather anywhere and wandered around, he managed to find someone interrogating a hostage and stealth killed the mafioso, the hostage looked at jacket terrified, jacket put a finger to where his mouth would be and released the hostage, then pointed to the fire escape, the thanked him and fled , jacket picked up a phone that fell out of the mafiosos pocket and scrolled through it, the godfather wasn't there. Hearing a gasp behind him made jacket spin around and punch the mafioso in the face and kick him to the floor, they aimed their shotgun at him, jacket pushed it aside as it shot and punched the mafiosos throat multiple times before grabbing the shotgun and ramming it into the mafiosos head, he heard a gurgle and got of the body, jacket clicked the shotgun and got ready for a fight, he ran out the room and shot a mafioso in the gut. Jacket slowly cleared out the mafioso and ran across a path towards the next building, he saw a car speeding towards him and immediately knew he couldn't move in time, it hit him and shoved him to the floor, knocking the air out of him. The car stopped and a mafioso stepped out, getting his pistol ready to shoot, jacket tried to get up but was still trying to regain some sort of balance after the hit. He groaned and out a hand to his head, he could already feel the blood trickle down the back of his head, his mask left little room for anything other then his head so his blood was pressed against his head and it flowed freely, making a very uncomfortable feeling. Jacket looked at the mafioso, they smiled and aimed at jackets head. Jacket heard the click and everything, but the mafiosos body contorted in a strange way, a small circle of blood slowly made itself visible on the mafiosos white suit and they collapsed, jacket looked to the other side of the road and watched the guy he saved earlier drop the pistol and rush to his side, they pulled him to his feet, jacket leaned on him slightly to regain his balance since gravity had started fucking with him. He eventually regained his balance and the guy took him back to his apartment.

"mår du bra?!" asked the guy

Jacket nodded and pulled off his mask, the guy noticed the blood and got some bandages, he wrapped them around jackets head. Jacket smiled and nodded in appreciation. He noticed the guy frown slightly and looked at the ground, jacket looked at him and thought a bit before fishing his phone out his pocket, unlocking it and putting it on translate, the guy took it and typed something before giving it back to jacket

"Thank you for helping me earlier, my name is ulf"

Jacket smiled and typed into hsi phone before handing it back to ulf

"My name is Richard, nice to meet you ulf"

Houston looked at wolf and back at jacket "im guessing after that you taught him American?"

Jacket nodded and handed back the pen and paper. Clover leaned in "come on yiu two, we got a trade to do, four clowns this time"

Jacket got ip, houston followed after. Dallas and hoxton were waiting, they all got into the van outside with their gear and headed off with the paintings to do this deal.

payday hybridsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang