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((Ideas for ch.9 wont leave me alone so i need to get this out before i  forget!

Hoxton groaned, dallas was nearby keeping an eye on him since everyone else had gone to either sleep or play games, mainly joy. He huffed a bit

"Hate snipers" grumbled hoxton

"You hate basically everything" said dallas

"Not most the gang"

"You say most"

Hoxton rolled his eyes, houston was tucked away in a corner scribbling away at something, Dallas was near him just keeping the awkward silence away, which hoxton preferred to the quiet pencil tapping and scratching. 

"When can i have more pain pills?" Asked hoxton, shuffling to try and get comfortable 

"In half an hour" said clover, she walked in holding some coffee, and forced it upon dallas even though he constantly said he didn't need it. Houston slightly curled his wings around himself to try become invisible to the whole situation, it didn't work

"Houston, you okay?" Asked clover

Houston hummed and kept drawing, dallas got up and leaned on the wall next to him, clover looked at hoxton

"Did you really have to take the shots?" Sighed clover

"Yes" said hoxton, in a childish voice

"Oh god not again"

Hoxton snickered and stuck his tongue out at clover, clover just sighed and shook her head while smiling

"Fucking wanker" sighed clover

"Shut up lass" laughed hoxton

Dallas and houston just stayed quiet through the the situation and let the irish and british clowns do whatever they were doing. Sokol walked in. ((Sokol is an artic fox! He sleepily looked at clover

"Its 3 am, why are you so loud lucky clove?" Asked sokol

"This british ass" said clover

"Shut up irish potato!" Said hoxton

They started laughing, sokol looked at dallas and houston with a confused look, they both shrugged and stayed quiet. Clover and hoxton started talking about Britain and whatever they ranted about. Dallas looked at houston, who was scribbling away, sokol sighed a bit

"Why are you two so close?" Asked sokol

Clover shrugged "long story"

We have all night"

"Ugh, hox you ok with this?"

Hoxton shrugged "as long as i get that russian vodka you tell me about"

Sokol nodded, clover crossed her arms. Dallas looked at the three again, apparently they had forgotten he and houston were in the room.

Hoxton sighed, he was in his hoodie wandering around the nearby streets, trying to avoid any social contact. He hugged a bit as his ears went down slightly, it didn't help it was raining but this was britain, what was excepted? He sighed and looked around, there was a small girl running away from a shop, hoxton watched her run off and hide behind a bin, she produced a bag of crisps and started eating. Hoxton watched her for a bit before staring at the shop, he went in and bought some things, then left and leaned on a wall near the girl. She looked around and spotted hoxton. She immediately went behind the bin. Hoxton pushed himself off the wall and walked over to her. She pressed herself against the wall behind the bin. She curled up and hid her head. Hoxton knelt down and looked at her

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