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Dallas was sat at his desk dealing with the pile of work, houston was asleep in the couch in the corner. Chains walked in with some coffee and out it on the desk, he crossed his arm when dallas yawned, dallas spared a glance and chains as giving him the stare

"Chains, stop" sighed dallas, putting his pen down

"This isn't healthy dallas" said chains

"Work needs to be done, and everyone else needs sleep"

"So do you, you need sleep too" 

"Not as much as everyone else"

Chains sighed, wolf leaned in. Dallas nodded to let wolf know he could come in. Wolf silently entered and stayed near the sofa at the side. Dallas sipped the coffee, wolf leaned on the wall  and watched chains. Chains huffed

"I'll being you two more cups of coffee, after that you are going to sleep" chains turned and left, dallas sighed "what is it  Wolf ?"

Wolf shrugged "sokol, joy, jacket and clover want to do a shadow raid tomorrow evening"

Dallas nodded and got the job plans out "give this to them, so they don't die"

Wolf nodded and took the plans, he left the office, dallas started drinking his coffee, yeah he felt a bit sick since he hadn't eaten anything earlier, but it didn't bother him. Bain called up, Dallas picked up

"Wow, up at this time bain?" Said dallas

"S-shut up dallas, I'm making sure you're all okay" yawned bain

Dallas laughed a bit "you don't have too, I'll keep them in check until the morning"

"Yeah yeah, i know, but just wanted to know you're all alright"

"Well most of them are asleep, but the stealth gang are planning, want to do a shadow raid"

Bain hummed in acknowledgment, dallas sipped his coffee "chains and wolf are still Up, though chains is more on the 'go to fucking sleep' side of things"

"You will get to nap one day dallas"

"Don't need to. Got to keep the gang safe"

Hey! Don't borrow my job!" Bain was slightly laughing

"Lets call it a shared job, sound good?"


"Well, you should go sleep or make sure other users aren't blowing people up"

"Like you said, can't sleep, got too many clients to keep track on"

"Sounds about right, anyway, see you tomorrow bain"

"Well, You'll hear me tomorrow"


Dallas hung up, he downed the last of his coffee. He got up and left his office, wolf was sat down on the sofa, slightly swinging his legs, while the stealth group, clover, sokol, joy and jacket, were gathered around the kitchen counter planning, everyone else was asleep in their shared rooms, dallas walked past the group and got himself a refill, he took his new coffee and walked over to wolf, wolf looked at him

"Remember what chains said?" Said wolf

"He didn't make it, doesn't count" said dallas

Wolf snickered a bit, dallas looked at the stealth group, they were all talking and had a few coffees and other hot drinks laid around the plan. Wolf yawned slightly, dallas looked at him

"You been able to sleep?" Asked dallas

"Not really" sighed wolf

"Whats keeping you up?"

"Just some bad memories"

Dallas nodded and drank some coffee "want something to drink?"

Wolf slightly perked up "can i have a coffee? Pleaseeeeeeeee"

"You don't need to beg wolf, just don't tell chains or he'll literally burn it all"

Wolf happily nodded, dallas made him a coffee, not as strong as one he would have, but wolf was still happy. He was content drinking it while watching the stealth gang. Dallas watched them too, and would sometimes correct the information they got wrong on the location or guard patrols. Lets just say bain had more then a few spies in the area while the job plans were being produced, and information relayed to dallas. The stealth group eventually split and they all headed off to bed, wolf finished his coffee and put the mug down

"Thanks dallas"  said wolf

"No problem, if you want another coffee, just ask" said dallas

Wolf smiled, got up and went off to his shared room, dallas went back to his office, he put his lukewarm coffee down and started work on a new heist, houston did wake up and yawned, his wings slightly stretched out, but nobody was there to be hit so neither cared.

"Morning" said dallas

"Morning" yawned houston

Dallas kept working, houston got up and walked over, slightly leaning over dallas "What you planning?"

"Just a medium bank heist" replied dallas

Houston nodded "sounds fun"

Dallas shrugged, houston moved away. He also took dallas's coffee and got him a new one, without dallas noticing until he looked up. Houston yawned again

"How early is it?" Asked houston

"4:36am" said dallas

"Oh, okay not as early as i thought"

Houston yawned a bit, dallas kept planning the heist. Houston sat down on the floor nearby and started sketching in his book, he would hum in approval at something every now and again and keep drawing. They sat in silence for a bit, dallas drank some coffee while Houston kept drawing 

"Hey nate?" Houston looked up at dallas

Dallas  looked at him "yeah?"

"You think they'll find us?"

Dallas shrugged "not a clue, but if they do we have the  gang with us"

Houston nodded "ok"

Dallas got up and picked up some other files, he shuffled through them before going back to his desk and writing something down, clover leaned in and knocked

"Hi clover" said houston

Dallas nodded to let her know she could come in, clover walked in and leaned on the wall

"Can't sleep?" Asked  houston

"Nah, sokol keeps trying to cuddle up close, so i made a break for it" sighed clover

Houston nodded and kept drawing, Dallas finished his coffee and looked at clover

"You don't mind telling hoxton and sydeny that we're doing a bank heist tomorrow"

Clover nodded "ill beat it into them"


Clover stretched and left the office, houston finished what he was drawing and got up, he hid the pad under one of the sofa pillows and left to get his guns and armour ready, dallas picked up the plans and followed after him. Hoxton was being chased by the midget while sydeny was sleepily rubbing her eyes, dallas sighed and went to get his shot ready, they would throw those two into the van later.


Just a chapter of safehouse life, because we can't kill every day and night

Jacket don't look at me like that..

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