Chapter 1

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I slowly lift my upper half up and yawn "Is it morning already?". I slip on a pair of shorts and go downstairs. It's still a bit dark outside, so I guess I'm the only one up. Guess I'm still really used to those morning drills, huh?

On my way to the kitchen I bump into in I quite literally bump into him, causing me to fall on my behind. "Ah jeez," he extends his hand to me "Sorry let me help you up". I take his hand and get up. I'm then met by a pain in my arm. Jaune notices this and winces, whispering an apology. "Let me help you" Jaune then takes my lightly bruised arm and it suddenly starts feeling better. "How are you...? I mean...thank you". Jaune smiles and sends his focus back to my arm. I see why Saphron talks so highly of him. He then looks at me after he's done healing my arm "That's my semblance". The blonde then points at me "Saph told me you're a huntsman in training like us. What's your semblance?". I scratch the back of my neck "'s not that special. Pretty boring actually".

Jaune looks at me with stars in his eyes. Wow, he must really like learning about semblances, huh? I take a seat on the couch, with the blonde following close behind. I grab a couch cushion "If you really wanna know, then fine. I call my semblance 'Foresight'. I can predict what an enemy's movement may be, but I'm shown multiple futures so it's up to me to guess which. On top of that I can't see very far and it only rarely works outside of fights". I cover my face with the cushion and blush, waiting for Jaune to laugh, just like everyone else.

...Why isn't he laughing?

I remove the pillow to see Jaune with a big smile on his face "That sounds like an awesome semblance!". I raise an eyebrow "I-it does?". He nods quickly "The fact you get any kind of clue on what your opponent might do is awesome!". I blush. As I'm about to say something, Jaune's teammate, Nora, chucks a pillow at us "Boys. Shhhh". We chuckle and lower our voices.

Jaune then turns and points to my sword, "I like your rapier. One of my good friends uses one too". "Yeah, I...actually studied under Winter Schnee. She would send me tutorial videos and the like". We chatted for a while and I couldn't help but listen attentively to every word he had to say. There was just something so charming about him. Our conversation is interrupted by Jaune's scroll beeping. He ran to his phone and a huge smile formed on his face. "What is it?". "I-It's Ruby! Her signal is close by!".

After reuniting and hearing of Ozpin's lies
(Jaune POV)

"Jaune!". I turned to Ruby and let go of Oscar. "I just...I need some time alone" I stormed upstairs. I just can't BELIEVE Ozpin lied to us! Thanks to him, Pyrrha wasted her life. And for what?! He got an innocent girl to put her life on the line.

A few minutes later, I get a message from [Y/N]. He probably doesn't want to see me like this.

Jaune: What's up [Y/N]?
[Y/N]: The others went out for a 
Jaune: And?
[Y/N]: You share a room with
            Oscar. Isn't that tense?
Jaune: So?🤔
[Y/N]: You can bunk with me if
           you want
Jaune: Sure, why not? Thanks
[Y/N]: No prob, Bob
Jaune: My name is Jaune😉
[Y/N]: Omg that was horrible😂

I'm glad [Y/N] is looking out for me. Saph probably told him to be nice.

As I walk out the room with my stuff, Nora stops me half way out the room, "Hey, are you moving out?". This earned slight laughter from Ren. "Actually, I got an offer from [Y/N] to move into his room". Nora decides to make kissy faces and nearly dies laughing. I shrug it off and walk to his room.

When I enter, [Y/N] is sitting there with a book "Oh, hey". "Sorry for acting that way earlier". "It's okay...I kinda understand". I look at him with shock "How so?". "Well...when I found out that my best friend Pyrrha died I-". I immediately cut him off, "Wait a knew Pyrrha Nikos?!".
He nods "She was the only one who knew I was...nevermind". [Y/N] began to tear up. "You can tell me. I won't tell anyone" I looked at him with caring eyes. He let out an audible sigh "Jaune...".

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