Chapter 4

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All hail the gays! All hail the smut!


"Jaune..." I push him away slightly "W-we shouldn't do this". His face goes red "We don't have to if you don't want to". I trace down his chest "It's not that. I just want to be safe, y'know?". "We don't have to go that far". I nod and take off my underwear "I-it's my first time". "Mine too".

He slowly jerks my cock causing me to moan. He then wraps his mouth around it. For his first time, he's a professional...I think. He starts sucking it. Licking it from time to time. He suddenly stops and asks if I want to go on. "Actually," I spread my legs "I-I want you inside me". He looks at me in shock "Are you sure?". I nod "But get-". "Protection? Way ahead of ya".

Jaune stands up and gets a condom from his bag "Uh, Qrow got me these" he admits sheepishly. He puts one on and gets on me "Ready?". I pull him in and kiss him deeply. We break away "That answer your questions?". He smiles then slowly puts his cock in. He begins slowly thrusting causing me to moan "Mm, J-Jaune, ah, fuck". He starts thrusting faster. Jerking me off while he does.

***After climax (because I'm lazy)***

We clean up any traces of jizz, then we got under the covers and just lie there. Jaune puts his arms around me. "Jaune?". "Hmm?". "Is it too early to use the L word?" I say as I turn around to face him. He kisses me on the cheek and smiles "Of course not. I love you, [Y/N]". "I love you too, Jaune". I eventually fall asleep. (10 points to anyone who got the Mass Effect reference)

3rd POV

Ruby and the gang get back home. Blake and Yang sit on the couch talking with Ren and Oscar. Qrow went to bed since he was drunk. Ruby helped Terra and Saphron with dinner, while Weiss and Maria kept Adrien company (That is the most ADORABLE IMAGE EVER!).

Nora goes upstairs to check on Jaune and [Y/N]. "Guys, we're ba-". She falls silent as she sees the too cuddling and fast asleep. A soft creeps onto her face as she closes the door.

Ren, Oscar, Blake and Yang all look at Nora as Ren speaks "So? Are they awake?". Nora sits with them "Let's just say...Jaune found his knight in shining armour".

And that's the end. I hope you enjoyed this and hope you look forward to my other books!

Quick question:
Do you guys wanna see my Markiplier fanfic first, or my original story? I'll let you decide! Just know that I have a lot of chapter for the fanfic, and only like 2 for the original story. But I'll leave it to you

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