Chapter 3

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I turn as red as Crescent Rose upon hearing her question "W-what?! No!". She giggles and sits on my bed. I follow and she pays me on the back "Don't worry. It'll be our little secret" Terra winks and giggles again. I roll my eyes as she leaves the room.

***Timeskip of 5 min***

The door opens and Jaune enters "[Y/N]? I thought you'd be asleep by now". I shake my head "I didn't think you'd be either". "Oh well," he shrugs "It's late anyway". He froze "Where're my pajamas?". "Oh, you mean the bunny onesie? Your sister threw 'em out. She said they were too small," I stifle a laugh "Mr Muscles". I giggle as I see Jaune go red in the face. Damnit! He's too cute. "Hey, um," Jaune let out an awkward laugh "Is it okay if I, uh, sleep in my underwear?". Awww. He's too sweet. But should I be happy...or offended? I look back to my book.

"Nah, it's cool". He nods and undresses. [Y/N] don't look. [Y/N] don't look. I glance over at him. Dammit [Y/N]! I feel my cheeks heat up. And...I was getting a little hard. Embarrassment... 1000%.

"Well, goodnight" Jaune says as he turns out the light. I put down my book and get under the covers "G'night".

***The next morning***

I wake up and see Jaune still in his bed, staring at the ceiling. I let out a fake cough to get his attention. He looks my way in surprise "Oh, you're awake". I roll my eyes "It's awfully quiet. Where is everyone?". He gets off his bed and stretches "They went out for the day". I could stare at his body all day if I could...if it wasn't creepy. Then a weird thought crossed my mind. I begin to blush "So it's j-just us?". He nods and heads for the door, but stops and looks at me "You any good at Smash Bros?". A devious grin grows on my face "Depends...can you handle [Smash main]?". "Hmph," he crosses his arms "Only if you can handle Link".

We spent an hour or two playing Smash and...I kept losing. But it's nice seeing Jaune happy. Except when he said he mains Ness...that killed me inside. But I'll get over it.

***After playing Smash***

Jaune gets up and stretches "Well, I'm gonna take a shower". "I'll stay down here" I take out my scroll and go through some messages.

Jaune POV

As I walk up the stairs, I can't help but smile remembering [Y/N]'s smile. I know it literally just happened...but I liked it. I then feel a strange feeling...almost like what I felt with...Pyrrha. I know it's not my fault, but I guess what I miss is that feeling.

(WARNING: Smut sets up here)

As I get undressed, I realize I have a huge boner...and it a good way. I step into the shower and turn on the water. I let out a sigh "I can't handle how me makes me feel. Especially sexually".

I slowly stroke my coke, letting a picture of [Y/N] sneak into my mind. Just the thought of him makes me unconsciously stroke faster. I do my best to keep my moans quiet. But damn...I haven't done this in a while. I then image [Y/N] fingering himself and moaning my name. Then, oh, what a sweet release (I had to include this song somehow😂). I wash myself off with a million thoughts running through my head. Would he really see me in that way? Let alone romanticely?

I wrap a towel around my waist and enter the room. "Uh...Jaune?". I nearly jump when I hear his voice "Oh..h-hey". He scratches the back of his neck "So...I noticed you forgot your scroll downstairs. I brought it up and...I...saw everything. I am sooooo sorry!". He covers his face and looks away. I feel heat enter my cheeks "I-if it helps...I was thinking about you". He looks at me in shock "Why would that make me feel better!?".

At that moment, my body and heart take control as I just watch. I my hands on his waist and pull him closer. "J-Jaune?". I lean closer, and put my lips on his. He pulls me onto the bed and I deepen the kiss.

And that sets up the smut chapter and ending. I don't plan on going further with this book after the next chapter because I have 3 other books in the works rn. That and I can't write action sequences to save my life. I hope you understand.

Ciao for now~

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