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The streets of Busan were as calm as it would be on a normal Monday night. Only 2 places had their lights on. The Jung house and The Kim Industries. A little house and a big corporation building each at one end of the city.

Party on Monday night might sound crazy and stupid to you but it was a tradition at the Jung household. Whenever his sister left, Jung Hoseok hostes the craziest party in Busan. Everyone was invited to the party from horny 16 year olds who were faking their age to be able to get in the party and drink to 30 year old loners who were looking for 20 year old college girls to go for a quick fuck at the back of their car. So you can say it was a normal night for both Hoseok and his neighbours since almost all of them were at the party anyways.

It was around 3 AM when everything slowly started to calm down. The high school kids left around 12 and the 30 year old males were done with their fuck. Now it was time for Hoseok and his friends to enjoy their, not so calm but calmer than earlier, hours of the night. Jeon Jungkook Kim Seokjin Park Jimin and of course the lovely host Jung Hoseok were all sitting on the floor with a bottle in the middle playing their famous game 'Drunk Dare or Dare.' They basically needed a stupid excuse to do dumb stuff and none of them wanted to blame it on 'alcohol' because they were trying to be 'responsible' adults as Jin would say.

The things they did were your ordinary dares unless vodka was involved. Vodka was not always present in the party. It was something special for the boys even though it was really cheap at the convenience store right around the corner, but it was treated as the holy drink at the party. When vodka was involved shit gets wild as if they all smoked heavy weed. Basically vodka was another excuse for boys to be able to express their true selves and say whatever was going through their head at that time.

And today, vodka was present at the party since they were celebrating how 'Jeon finally left Overwatch since it was becoming a shit game and everyone else already left the game months ago'...Boys loved making excuses. They just wanted to heavily get drunk that night.

As Jimin poured another one on Jin's glass Hoseok took the empty bottle and turned it as fast as he could, making the bottle dart towards Jungkook and hitting him on his knee.

'Shit Hobi! Calm down dude you're either gonna break the bottle or my knee!!' Jeon said as he hissed.

'How do you break a knee?' Jimin asked purely out of curiosity.

'I'll show it to you if you want Chim.' Jungkook said, he was rubbing his knee with a cold bottle of beer he found laying around on the floor. 'Sorry dude yOu know hoW ExciTEd i get WHen WE'Re about TO plAy mY FavoRiTe Game' Hoseok said as he was jumping either from the excitement or the alcohol on his blood.

'Literally the whole city knows you get hyper when you drink Hoseok but for the love of God please don't cry like you always do, do you know how hard it is to take care of you when you're jump crying?!' Jin revolted. Him being the most 'responsible' one, he usually drinks less since someone has to look out for these 5 year olds and stop them from doing stupid stuff such as hurting themselves, hurting others, breaking Hoseok's sisters beloved stuff etc.

'It's gonna be fine Jin! NOW LET'S START THIS GAME!' Jimin yelled with his obnoxiously loud voice and earned grunts and curses from the ones who already passed out on the couch and the floor.

Hoseok took the bottle again and, surprisingly, turned it slower this time. All of the boys' eyes were on the bottle as they watched it stop on our beloved Jimin who's smile died out as he realised the bottles other end stopped on Jungkook.

'Jungkook!' the clingy Jimin jumped out as he side-hugged his best friend of 3 years. Jungkook chuckled to himself as he slowly pushed half drunk Jimin away from himself and said 'Don't even try Jimin I'm getting my revenge.'

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