[Blurry Vision]

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"You know this would be a lot easier if you'd stay out of it Ren

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"You know this would be a lot easier if you'd stay out of it Ren." A grey-eyed girl sighed to her done with everything friend who was leaning against a wall as the girl sat in her local coffee shop's bathroom. 

"Yes, it would and suppressing your quirk won't stop anything [Name]." [Name] shot a glare at the hoodie-wearing boy as she grabbed her coffee cup and a small bottle of pills as she dumped a few into her hand. Ren sighed shaking his head as he shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked towards the door. "Do you want me to grab you anything while you drive yourself into insanity?" [Name] waved her hand, hanging her head and covering her ears as she swallowed the pills. Ren chuckled at the mess of a friend he was looking at and walked back into the coffee shop leaving [Name] alone. 


A young [h/c]ed girl stood waiting just outside a doctor's office clutching onto her distressed mother's hand. "Mommy is everything ok?" the girl innocently asked a pale glimmer from her grey eyes sent chills down her mother's spine. 

"Of course sweetheart, we're just doing a quick checkup ok!" her mother smiled down at her daughter. No matter how unnerved her daughter made her, [Name] was still her daughter and she would still love her even if [Name] talked to the air and that her eyes had changed from a sparkling [e/c] to a dull grey when she turned two. With a final smile, she gripped the nine-year old's hand and brought her in as the receptionist shot them looks.


[Name] felt her head thunk against the wall as Ren walked back in a smirk crossing his face. "So, already regretting this?" Ren sits down next to her as she groans. [Name] holds her head in minor pain and annoyance. 

"I really didn't expect the headache to set in this quickly." she muses while swirling her coffee as she stares at Ren. Ren just gives her an 'I told you so' smile as he pulls down his hood letting his dark black hair drift in front of his face. 

"You know this feels a lot like that time in, what fifth? fourth? third? grade, your first time taking the medication and I found you moaning and groaning in the bathrooms when I came in." he laughs gaining a slight smile from [Name] as she lifted her head. 

"Oh god I remember that I nearly passed out when you tried to help me up!" she smiles

"No, you almost threw up on me!" he grins as he gets a slap from [Name].


"So Miss Kikyo, what exactly has been the problem with young [Name]?" The doctor asks. [Name] is sat off in the corner of the room as her mother attempted to bring to light her problem with her own daughter. 

"I- well, you see [Name]'s eyes... they lost their colour when she was around two. It had us all surprised, we were just wondering if it was bad in any way." Her mother gave the doctor a weak smile as her gaze drifts over to her daughter, while the doctor gives her mother a questioning look. 

𝕊𝕖𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕤 [𝔹ℕℍ𝔸 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣]Where stories live. Discover now