High Alert

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Well, I think I've made Kath sick for long enough. sofaroffbway doesn't like it. So, she's better now, but we've got a different kind of drama here. Let's see what happens, shall we? Enjoy/comment/vote xxx


November 16, 2026


Thank goodness Katherine is back up and running by Monday, when we have our next show. I was Odette for two shows, and I hope that I never have to put on another pair of pointe shoes again, at this point.

After our Monday night show, I take my time getting my things together before going out to the stage door. I'm super tired, for some reason. I nearly fall out of my chair, though, when somebody opens the door.

"Harper!" Kath exclaims.

"Katherine Bailey!" I scold her. "We have been over this. You need to knock before coming in my dressing room. What if I'm naked, and there's like, a guy in the hallway?"

"Oh my god, it's just a body," she rolls her eyes.

"I'll be sure to remember that you feel that way next time that you're naked and Toby or somebody walks by your dressing room."

Kath bites her lip, pausing for a moment, then quickly recovers and goes back to talking. "You need to come out and stage door with me."

"Kath, I'm still packing up."

"I'll wait here. You just need to come with me."

"Why? What's wrong? Is everything alright out there? I thought you had already gone out."

"I didn't go past the doorway. James is there."

"You're delusional," I tell my friend. "Why in the whole bloody world would James be here?"

"I don't know, but he is. I'm not joking, Harper."

"Aren't you dating What's-His-Face now?"

"We aren't dating."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. "I thought I sent you to go tell him how you feel."

"I chickened out, okay? Now, come on Harper. Just, come to the stage door with me. I don't like being around James."

"Give me three minutes, and then we can go out," I tell her. I finish gathering all of my things, then we walk down the corridor together, heading towards the exit of the theatre.

Once we reach the door, I see that Kath really wasn't kidding. James really is here.

"What do I do?" she whispers to me.

"Politely decline autographs, and walk out with your head held high. I'll sign for a little bit, then meet you at the tube station. Don't get kidnapped."

"God, thanks," Kath rolls her eyes. She starts to walk, but I notice out of the corner of my eye, that she gets stopped by somebody grabbing her arm.

On high alert, I look at the fan who I'm talking to. "One second," I say, then whip my head around to look at what's happening.

I just barely catch James talking to Kath. "Katherine. Wait. We need to talk."

Let go of her, I think to myself, as though that will make any difference. His arm is still grasped firmly around her bicep.

"There's nothing to talk about," she spits. "My heart was left in pieces, but it's been mended now. I'm not going to come running back to you. I can't believe that you even had the nerve to come here tonight."

"Oh, what? Do you have a new boyfriend now? Damn it, I waited too long, didn't I? Who is he?"

"Whether or not I do is none of your business," Kath retorts. I'm so proud of her for firmly holding her ground. "Now, if you would please leave, that would be lovely, as I would love to sign autographs for these fans. If you don't care to leave, then I would appreciate if you would at least let go of me so that I can be on my way."

"Please, just give me ten minutes of your time."

"I've already given you much more of my time than you have deserved. Time that was spent crying when we first broke up. I don't want to go through that again, James. You put me through hell, but I survived, and I'm back, doing better than ever. I don't want to pull myself back underwater when I've finally reached the surface. I just can't do that to myself."

"Please? I screwed up."

"Yeah, you did. Now, let me go this instant, or I swear, I'll call security on you." Kath says.

I see James uncurl his fingers from around her upper arm. "Just, tell me one thing. Will you be back at RBT?"

"Next year," she nods. "I expect that you will give me my space when that day comes."

I can see that James is slightly upset by this, but I know that Katherine has her reasons for wanting him to stay away. I don't feel the least bit bad for him. The boy broke my best friend's heart. I could never forgive him for that.

As soon as Katherine manages to break free from James, I watch her flee from the stage door as quickly as she can.

I look at James. "Leave," I mouth. "Go away."

He frowns, then simply nods and walks away from the barricade.

I turn back to the fans who I was talking to. I can't believe that they have waited for this long. "I'm quite sorry," I say.

"Who was that?"

"An ex-boyfriend of Katherine's. They dated before she even started in Anastasia. The two of us have been best friends for years. I'm like her over protective older sister, so I just had to make sure that everything was alright."

"Wow," the girl laughs. "That's a crazy story."

"I probably shouldn't be spreading it, but I'm so furious with him that I don't even care."

I then sign their programmes and take pictures with both of the girls. I sign and take pictures with a few more people before heading on my way, to meet Kath at the tube station. I'm slightly worried about her hanging out there, alone, in the middle of the night, but luckily, I find her right away, still in one piece, and not being stalked by any scary guys.

"Shall we be on our way home?" I ask her.

"Let's go."

"I'm proud of you for being strong back there," I say. "I don't know if I could have done the same."

"I can't believe that he pulled that on me," Kath rolls her eyes. "God, I can't believe that he even thought that was a good idea."

"Oh, doesn't everyone show up at the stage door of their ex's West End show?" I laugh with sarcasm wreaking through my voice.

"Oh, right. It's a common practice, I forgot," Kath laughs. I give her a little side hug as both of us burst into giggles.

It isn't long until the train shows up, and we hop on.

"I can't believe it. We won't have too many more nights where we take this train home together."

"Don't remind me. It makes me too sad," Kath says.

The entire cast is dreading the day that our beloved show closes, but there's no way to stop the date from creeping closer and closer.

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