{7} The Monster

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The girls had been walking through the woods for some while. The only thing that made them want to find civilization again was their rumbling stomachs. They wanted to stay in the woods away from people. They didn't want to hurt anyone like the way Ten hurt Lucas. She was scared and she didn't mean it... But it was too late now. Eleven's wig was no longer on her head, she decided to ditch it.

The girls walk inside a grocery store. They get a lot of weird looks from the people inside. Of course they would. They were covered in dirt, El didn't have her wig on, and Ten's hair was a mess. They walked down one of the aisles and Ten spotted something. She rushed over and started trying to balance all of the Kit Kats in her arms. When she was done, they walked to the fridge aisle.

They were stopped by a man before they could walk down the aisle, "Are you lost?" The girls turn to him, but don't answer his question, "Is your mom here? Your dad?"

Ten narrowed her eyes at him, "Mouth breather." The two girls continued on their way. Eleven found the Eggos and started grabbing a few boxes. The girls were having a hard time balancing everything, but they were doing a pretty good job. The girls walked right past the worker.

"Excuse me," The man said. The girls didn't say anything and they didn't look back, "Young ladies! You know you have to pay for those! Hey! Stop right-" A shopping cart moved in the man's way. The girls were closer to the doors now and he maneuvered his way past the people, "You have to pay for those! Stop right there! Thief! Thief!" The automatic doors shut behind them and the glass shattered.


When the girls found the boys again, their timing was the absolute best. Dustin and Mike were at a cliff with Troy and his friend. Troy was holding onto Dustin and Mike had just jumped off of the cliff. Ten's eyes widened and she quickly used her powers to stop him from hitting the water or getting near it. She started to levitate him upwards and he made it safely back onto the cliff. He ended up crashing to the ground and landing on his butt.

The group heard two sets of footsteps walking over to them and they saw Eleven and Ten. Both looked very mad at Troy and his friend for what they were doing. Ten pushed Troy's friend and he went sailing back. El's head twitched to the side and Troy screamed as they heard a crack.

Troy held his arm in pain, "She broke my arm! My arm!"

El glared at them, "Go."

"Let's get out of here," Troy yelled. His friend got up and both of them took off running away from them, "Let's go. Go. Go."

Dustin looked at them as they ran off and shouted, "Yeah, that's right! You better run! They're our friend and they're crazy! You come back here and they'll kill you! You hear me? They'll kill you, you sons of bitches! They'll kill you, you hear me?"

Using that much power must've taken a lot out of them because they fell to the ground. They laid on their backs, side by side. Ten felt drained. She had used her powers a lot today and it drained her. Mike ran over to them and bent down beside of Ten, "Ten, El, are you okay? Guys?"

Ten was sobbing, "Mike... I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" Mike was smiling at her, but you could hear the confusion in his voice.

"The gate... We opened it. We're the-" Ten cut herself off.

Eleven continued for her, knowing that she couldn't, "We're the monsters."

"No. No, guys, you're not the monster," He smiled at them, hoping to make them stop crying. He was hoping to cheer them up, "You two saved me. Do you understand? You saved me." Mike and Dustin helped the two raise themselves up. They all had a big group hug and everything felt great. Everything felt like it was normal... But they knew it wouldn't last long.

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