{12} The Passing Days

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Ten and Eleven walked up to the very familiar house. The one that they had stayed in before everything happened. They had just escaped the Upside Down and went to the first place they could think of. Mike's house. Ten grabbed El's hand and stopped. There were police cars surrounding the house, this meant that they had to be careful.

The two walked over to one of the windows and looked inside. A man wearing a suit and a woman in similar attire to him were standing near Mike. Mike was sitting down and they could clearly see him through the window. Ten wanted to just go inside and show him that she and El were okay. But she couldn't with all of the police around. They could faintly hear

"I know it's difficult to accept, the stories they told you were not true. They're very dangerous individuals." The woman was telling Mike. Ten frowned at this. Why was this woman lying? Everything they've said was true. And they weren't dangerous enough to hurt Mike or their friends.

"If they contact you, you must tell us." The man told him. Mike looked out the window and it was like he was staring right at the girls.

"Otherwise, you're putting yourself and your entire family at risk," The woman said. Mike wasn't listening from what the girls could tell. He was looking more closely at the window and Ten could feel her eyes watering. Could he see her? Or El? "Do you understand, Michael? Do you understand?"

"Michael? Michael?" The man noticed that Mike was looking intently out of the window. He slowly looked over, as well. Eleven grabbed Ten's hand and the two ran away. It took a minute for Ten to realize that she wasn't standing in front of the window. When she did notice, she ran faster and the two ran into the woods. They hid underneath a big log while they could hear the men looking for them.


Ten and Eleven were laying on their bedroom floor with two white sheets. Ten looked focused as she slowly cut two holes into her sheet in front of her. When she was done, she handed the scissors to El and waited until she did the same. The two girls stood up and put on the sheets. They nodded at the other and walked out of their room.

It was a little difficult for Ten to try and not trip over anything while they make their way over to Hopper. Thankfully, she didn't trip or bump into anything. Hopper was standing in front of the stove, making breakfast, as the girls walked to him.

Hopper turned around and jumped at the sight, "Oh, Jesus!"

Ten put her arms out, "Ghosts."

Hopper nodded, slightly, "Yeah, I see that."

"Halloween," El said.

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