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A Secret In Your Very Eyes

S c h o o l

L u n c h  b r e a k

Your pov

I was out patrolling again, as myself. I walked around the city keeping low. As I walked past an alley, I hear my name. "Y/n?" 

Chat's pov

I saw her walk past. "Y/n?" 

"Are you sure this is the best idea? I mean you hid yourself from Nino and the others! Even your dad!!"

 "I know that but-" 

"Is this because of that weird love thing again? It's making me sick" Plagg comments. "You're not helping at the moment!" 

"I thought you loved Shadow Hunter?!" "I do!"

 "Then what about the weird comments about y/n? You like y/n then Shadow Hunter! She's going to see you as Chat Noir-the vampire! Not Adrien the model who's been missing for a bit you know?!"

 "I know that Plagg..." the irritability in my voice rises. "If you tell her you're Adrien- then you just reveal your identity as well!"

 "I SAID I KNOW!" I growl.

"Geez, I'm just giving you the truth! Sheesh!" Plagg flies behind my shoulder. I'm not feeling good right now. "I'm-I'm just not feeling so great at the moment." "Did you sleep?" "Remember I woke up floating in mid air last night?" 

"Oh right....well when's the last time you ate anything?"

 "That's the point, I can't eat anything. The food I used to eat I can't eat anymore unless I throw it back up. Man, if only I could eat another croissant... but I can't!" I explain, "The only thing I can eat-well, drink is blood....I'm not hurting or killing anyone or anything for that!"

 "....Hmmm, well don't the hospitals have stuff like that? Don't they have that...blood?"

 " I'm not drinking any! It still came from a person!" 

"Well you'll die like that ya know" 

 "I know"  I sigh, looking at y/n walk off, "I think I should get prepared for tonight" I pull the hood of my cloak over my head. 

That night....

Your pov

I stood at center of the park, the only light that was present, were from the street lights nearby. I stood where Chat Noir told me to stand. The breeze wrapped its arms around me as it gave me chills, I was thinking about what happened earlier. 

I couldn't have Lana or Chance with me, with their appearance by themselves would expose me and Chat altogether.  I still had my doubts if I could trust Chat, but he was right, he never asked to be like this. I paced around a bit, crossing me arms tight to help shield myself from the cool air.  "Hey" I hear a familiar voice, a figure covered in the black of night landed in the grass and waled to me, revealing Chat Noir himself. "Um, hey (   . . ;)" I manage to get out. 

"You look a little down, are you alright?" he attempts to land a hand on my shoulder but I quickly step back, "I-I'm okay. Let's just figure out how we're going to stop this epidemic." 

"Sure? Erm, well I know where the mansion is, I was once an ally but apparently I left." he refers.

"Well we need to find out how to get there-inside. We need to find Dracula and kill him once and for all!"

C O R R U P T | Vampire Chat Noir x Reader (Two books in one)Where stories live. Discover now