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~Amelias POV~

"Did you really mean what you said" Luke asked

"Um...no of course not Luke I've known you for a day...of course I don't love you" I say and sigh. I'm lying to someone I like what kind of monster am I.

"Oh...well thanks Amelia for saving my butt from Jeremy, but I can deal with him" Luke says with a frown

"Um okay....well we should get to music class it's always better to get there early" I say and stand up.

"You coming Luke "I say

"Nah I'll stay here for a little" He said

"~sigh~ ok "I say and leave I get to my locker and grab my old black bass and amp and go to music class and set up.

~Lukes POV~

Amelia left

"I thought I had a shot for once but of course a popular gorgeous girl like her wasn't gonna fall for a dork like me" I say and stand up and walk to music class. As I was walking past the washroom and I was pulled in, and pushed against the wall

"Hey geek you're gonna learn to leave my girl alone" Jeremy says

"She doesn't like you" I say and right as i finished my sentence, Jeremy, Trent, Jake, and Alex started to punch me...45 minutes later I was laying on the washroom floor with a busted lip, black eye, bloody nose, and purple, yellowish bruises covering my body. I had missed all of 7th period. As a soft sob left my lips the door swung open to reveal my 3 best friends Ashton, Calum and Michael.

"Oh my god Luke" Calum says running to me and kneeling down and helping me up. I wrapped my arms around Cal and Ashton and Michael grabbed our stuff. We walked out and I see the shock on Amelias face

"Oh my...Luke are you ok" She says wiping a bit of the blood off my lip.

"Yea I'm fine" I say and wince in pain

"Jeremy!!" She yelled

"Hey babe...oh Luke are you ok buddy" Jeremy says and laughed a bit. I shoot a death glare at him. Then Amelia pushed him against the locker

"Jeremy I swear you lay another finger on Luke and I will personally kill you" Amelia says

"Are you threatening me?" Jeremy says

"That's not a threat it's a promise" Amelia say and let him go

"Let's go Luke the guys are coming over to my house for music homework " Emily says

"Amelia I told you I would handle him" I say as Amelia walks back to us

"And look how well that turned out Lucas jeez don't even talk to me right now...I'm going for a walk...I'll meet you guys at Emily and Jamies house later...bye" Amelia says

"Amelia- " I say and she cuts me off

"Save it Lucas" She says and walks off.


Awe #Lamelia feels everywhere ahhh. Hey can you guys do me a favor and spread the word about this fan fic and read my other fan fic called Second Chance?...k love you bye ~ Amelia

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