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~Emily's POV~

"Amelia lets go!" I say

"Where?" Amelia asked as she dusted her self off

"We're gonna change our looks " I said

"OK well let me go change " She says

I had my plaid crop top on with pink sorta plaid pants on and a necklace. Amelia came down stairs wearing a flannel with a white under shirt and black skinny jeans. We both wore our black vans.

"Alright lets go hun" I say and we get into the car. I put on the green day album

"So what did you mean by change our looks" She asked nervously

"Well first we're going to get your lip pierced and then we are going to dye pur hair " I say calmly

"WHAT?!?!?" She screamed and then we pulled over to the tattoo shop.

"We are here" I say and giggle as we get out of the car.

"I hate you." She says

"Awe I love you more" I say and she laughs

"Hey Lou, this is Amelia and she wants a lip piercing " I say as we walk into the shop.

She sat down and yeah she got her lip pierced, she may have sorta cried.

"Well your all done here sweetie" Lou said

"Thanks Lou, here " Amelia says and hands Lou the twenty Mikey gave her

"Thanks love see you guys later" Lou says and we get in the car and drive to a hair salon.

"Hey Ally, this is Amelia and she's gonna be dying her hair a...um...white sorta blonde like how it is right now but with blue at the top and blue at the bottom. " Emily says

"Ok come on dear" Ally says

"I'll be just over her getting my hair dyed k Am" I say

"K" She replied

"So since my hair is already black i was thinking like red at the top that fades into dark pink. Then like two strips on the side that go from like dark purple, to blue into a light mint green" I say to my hair stylist.

"We can definitely do that" She said

~After 2 hours, back at the house ~


"I got it mates " I hear Mikey yell from inside. He opened the door and his jaw dropped

"Emily, Amelia you guys look amazing" Mikey says and we step into the house.

"Wow Amelia, Emily just wow" Ashton says

"Thanks" Me and Amelia say in unison

~Amelia's POV~

We're all sitting there on our phones well except for Mikey and Emily, they were playing Fifa. Luke still hasn't shown up yet. So when I heard someone come in I didn't look in fear that it was Luke.

"Hey guys I'm sorry I acted like that. I was a total ass." Luke says, shit I was right.

"It's fine mate now move your bum is blocking the TV" Emily says

"Anyways where's Amelia" Luke says and we start to laugh

"Why are you guys laughing " He says

"Because I'm right here Lucas" I say and stand up.

"She look hot right, mate?" Calum says and Jamie slaps him

"I'm just kidding babe. I love you " Calum says and kisses Jamie.

"What happened to your hair and you have a lip piercing just like me. Amelia?" He says

"You see Lucas I'm the new Amelia. The one who is not going to let you push her around...literally. The girl you won't take none of your bull shit anymore. And also the one who you are not going out with. I already told management and it's on Twitter check your phone. Don't worry I tagged you in it." I say and throw him, his phone that was on the coffee table. "And lastly I'm the girl who is no longer in love with you" I added and went up stairs and locked myself in my room.

"I've been waiting to hear that since you hurt her the first time" I hear all the guys say in unison

I grabbed my laptop and pulled up Skype and called the kids. Since Matt, Chloe, and Ashley's son Jacob, are in our house in LA with Nana.

"Hey mom, wow i love your hair. Matt, Nana, come look " Chloe says

"My dear your turning into Emily, and tell that young girl her hair is going to fall put if she doesn't stop dying it, oh and tell that to her boyfriend Michael too" Nana says

"I sure will Nan, sure will " I say

We talked for hours about random things. Nana is like my mom and I love her. It was 11:37 pm when we hung up, so i decided to go to bed I changed into some flannel pj's and I put my newly dyed hair in a braid. And i starred at the ceiling for what seemed like forever. But the last thought that ran through my head was. I still love Luke and I always will.

Hey guys so let me know what you think and tell if you guys still get notified when I update, but yea thank you for the massive amount of support and i love you guys bye -Amelia

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