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A/N Hey guys I'm gonna start recommending songs is that's cool with you? k bye enjoy
First Date by Blink182

In the car. I just can't wait to take you on our very first date. Is it ok if I hold your hand?

~Amelias POV~

Today is the day Luke is taking me on a date. I'm freaking nervous. My palms are sweaty and I feel like I'm going to mess everything up. My hair is curled and I had to put on Jamies grey beanie because my hair just wasn't working for me today. I have on a maroon skater shirt with a black spaghetti strap shirt with a black and red flannel over and my black vans. I hear the door ring I check myself and then run downstairs to see nana has beat me to the door.

"Am they're hear for you" I hear my grandma call. I walk towards the door to see a whole different boy. He had his hair styled in a perfect quiff, contacts instead if his cute green glasses, he had black ripped at the knee skinny jeans, and a red and black flannel on.

"Luke you-" I said but he cut me off

"Amelia you look amazing " He said

"Ok Lucas you have my granddaughter home by 9 or I'll hit you with a spoon" Nana said sassyly

"Yes Mrs. Dela Rosa " Luke said

"Loosen up sonny call me nana" Nana said sending a playful wink and laughing causing Luke to get nervous and bite his lip.

"K bab-I mean Luke lets get out of here before you bite your lip off" I say

"Ok good bye Mrs. um sorry nana" Luke said

"Remember 9 pm or the spoon" Nana calls as we start walking away. Luke grabs my hand

"Where are we going" I say

"The beach" Luke says looking at me in the eyes

"Crap I didn't bring a swim suit " I say and Luke laughs

"We aren't swimming do you honestly think I would swim in skinny jeans" Luke said

"Oh I guess you're right " I say

"Aren't I always" He says

"Don't push it Hemmings " I say

"Awe is Dela Rosa gonna fight back" Luke says

"Fight what?" I say and then Luke picks me up bridal style and runs in the direction of the beach

"Luke!!" I scream/laugh

"We are here" Luke says then he puts me down.

I see a beautiful view with a picnic set out

"Luke it's...it's amazing " I say

"That's not all" He says and he snaps his fingers and fairy lights turn on along with First Date by Blink182. I couldn't help it I hugged him so tight

"Thank you Luke" I say

"No problem penguin" I say and laugh at the nickname he's given me.

~End of the date~

"I had a wonderful time Luke but are you sure you don't need a cab it's pretty dark outside " I say

"No my house is right down the street but a quick question before you go will you be my girlfriend?" He said and I blushed and looked at my shoes

"Yes I'd love to" I say as I look him in the eyes

"I'll see tomorrow at school...babe" He said with a smirk

"Ok...babe" I say back and unlock the door and out of no where pops out nana

"Ohhhh y'all cute" Nana said

"Nana don't try to be cool please " I say

"Ok...babe...but srsly go to your room and go to sleep it's a school night you butt k love you sweetie " Nana says and skips off into the kitchen. Oh my lord I have a crazy grandma.

~3 years later~

"Year 10 here we come" Me, Luke, Calum, Jamie, Emily, Michael, Ashton, and Ashley yell out as we walk through the gates of our highschool.

soorryyy. Oh and year 10 means 10th grade and now Cal,Luke, Amelia, And Jamie are 16. Emily and Michael are 17. Ashton and Ashley are 18. i love you guyz byyeee - Amelia

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