a/n and short story

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Author here again! Sorry for not updating in a while. I havent had any motivation and really overall wasnt feeling good to write. So thats my explanation and lets get on with the short story. (KiriBaku 💞 continuation)

Kirishima stood there, jaw dropped, not knowing what to do.

After a while, he came to his senses. He was confused by if he heard Bakugou correctly. But then again, he was also scared as to what his friend would do. His erection also gave off another emotion.

Realizing he had this issue, he quickly headed to the locker room PRAYING his explosive friend wouldnt be there. To his luck, it seemed as though Bakugou had left.

Kirishima had let out a sigh of relief, quickly changing into his normal clothing, packing up, and finally leaving.

He was going to head towards his own house, but Bakugous words came to his head immediately. Of course, he wanted to see what his hotheaded friend had planned so he changed direction, walking to Bakugous house.

         --Ten Minutes Later--

Kirishima was now at Bakugous house, a nervous wreck and very horny. He knocked on the door to a simple "Took you long enough. Get in here."

Kirishima gulped and twisted the door handle.

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