Friday Night

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On Friday, after rehearsal, they all got to go down to Long Beach for a field-trip sort of thing. It was after dinner, around 7 o' clock. They didn't have to practice over the weekend. They drove to a spot about 30 minutes away from the pier and Malibu, so that it would be quiet. When they got there, there were not many people. The director sat down and told the kids they could go swim or sit by a fire pit. They all went over to one about 50 feet away. Hayley, Piper And Sophie went to go swimming. "Crazy Kids." Olivia said sarcastically. Sierra looked and her and Olivia cracked. "Oh fine!" And the two of them ran out to the water as well. Gracie laughed at her sisters. They all began to sit down around the fire. "So, Annie are you excited for Maryland?" Gracie asked. "Well, it'll be hard leaving my friends but I think it should be nice. I have a lot of childhood fiends there since it's where I lived for a while when I was younger." Annie explained. "Ya, it'll be nice to have a fresh start." Gracie told her. "So Danielle, how come Mikey didn't come?" Maddie asked. Danielle looked up from the sand, excited to talk about her boyfriend. "He's on vacation with his family in Europe. I was invited but my mom said it would be better for us to spend some time apart." She told them. "Well yeah, you still wanna have your own life outside of your boyfriend, right?" Maddie asked sort-of like a teacher would. Danielle crossed her arms. "I guess." She admitted. Maddie and Mackenzie looked at each other. "So let's get to know each other better." Maddie suggested. "I think most of us know each other, but let's go around in a circle and say our relationship status." She told them. "That's a little personal..." Kenzie started. "Kenz, we're gonna be together all summer anyways..." Nadia interjected. "So why not just spill the tea!?" Ruby asked. Kenzie laughed. "Shouldn't you be playing with the little kids?" Nadia teased. "We are not little!" Hayley argued from behind them. They looked over to see Hayley, Piper, Sophie, Olivia and Sierra walking back. "Okay, maybe not them, but Hayley, you're the youngest one here." Annie told her. Hayley but her hands on her hips; "Age is just a number." "Okay, fine." Annie gave in as they sat down. "I'll start." said Maddie. "So, I have a boyfriend, his name is Kailand." "Duh." Kenzie teased. "I didn't know it was official!" Annie exclaimed. "Ugh, Annie, you're so behind the times." Hayley said. "Okay, if you're gonna be here, you need to not be 99 % of the conversation." Annie told her. Hayley rolled her eyes. "Come on, guys, let's go spill our own tea." She said as her, Piper and Sophie went off to a different spot. "Sorry about her." Annie apologized. "I like her." Olivia stated. "Try living with her." Annie replied. "But really, Annie. Lighten up. It's summer, she just wants to have fun." Asher suggested. Annie gave him a confused look. He moved closer to her and put his arm around her. "She's just a kid. She has lots of energy." He told her. "Annoying energy." Annie retorted. Asher gave her a quick kiss. "Do it for me?" He asked. Annie blushed. "Well... maybe I could... sort of... just..." she trailed off. Asher smiled at her knowing what she meant. "Well, I think it's clear who Annie and Asher are dating." Devenity teased. "Makes me feel so lonely." Lauren said as she crossed her arms. "Even my own brother..." She continued. "Yes! Johnny! Why don't you tell us all-" Maddie started. "We all already know." Lauren told her. "Yes, but... isn't just the cutest thing ever!" Maddie gushed. Kenzie rolled her eyes. "Why are you like, are biggest shipper?" She asked. Johnny wrapped his arms around her. "Because if I didn't approve, do you really think y'all would still be together?" Maddie teased. "Maddie!" Kenzie shouted as she playfully hit her sister. "So... Jayden." Maddie continued. Annie smiled at her best friend. Jayden looked down at the sand. "My boyfriend's name is Armani." She told them. "Nadia?" Maddie questioned. "Single." She stated and held her hand up for a high five with Lauren. "Same." Jenna added. "We're all single Pringles." Gracie said in behalf of her sisters. "Although if Madison was here..." Sierra started. "And, Gracie, that status might be changed by the end of the summer." Olivia teased. Gracie rolled her eyes. "Well I would consider myself to young to date." Ruby mentioned. "Ya, Same." Olivia agreed as they high-fived. "Darius?" He shook his head. "Still waiting." He answered. "Devenity?" "Same as Darius." She replied, and Maddie gave her a look. "Justin? You seem like you've got to have a girlfriend." She told him. "I have many girlfriends." He told her. "Okay... I meant a real girlfriend, but I'll take that as an "all the girls are avoiding you." " Matt put a hand on Justin's shoulder. "I don't mean to be rude but..." "Oh, shut up!" Justin interrupted. "What about you, Matt?" She asked. "Yeah, I've got a girlfriend. Her name's Kate. She went on vacation this summer though." He explained. Maddie noticed Gracie looked down at the sand when he spoke. "I guess that only leaves Hayden and Tegan." She said. Tegan held up her hand, with fingers intertwined with Hayden's. Hayden put his arm around her and pulled her close. Maddie snuck a look at Annie, but she was happy sitting with Asher.

At 10 o' clock, the director called them all back to the bus, and they left back for the camp. When they got back to their rooms, Maddie caught Gracie while she was coming out of the bathroom alone. "Hey." Gracie looked up. "Oh, hi." "So... what's the deal?" She asked. "Huh?" Maddie shook her head. "With you and Matt?" She asked. "We're just friends." Gracie replied. "Friends that look like they're holding back tears when the other one is talking about their girlfriend?" She asked. Gracie looked down. "I-" she started. "It's okay." Maddie assured her. "I've seen some of his videos with this Kate. Trust me, you are like, 1000 times better for him." "Okay, thanks and all but, they're dating, it's not like I can just break them up." She told her. "You don't have to! I've seen this happen way too many times at my school before. One of them goes away for a long time, meets someone else, and they break up! Simple!" She explained. "So you want me to be the someone else for Matt?" She asked. Maddie shook her head. "No! I'm sure while Kate is off wherever she is-" "New Zealand." Gracie jutted in. "Right, she'll meet some cool New Zealand dude and ditch Matt. Then you swoop in, comfort him, and you guys can be together like you were always meant to be!" Maddie finished. Gracie raised an eyebrow. "I don't think so..." "Fine. Don't take it from me, wait until he gets the phone call." With that, Maddie walked off to bed. Gracie shook her head and continued to get ready for bed. But in the back of her mind, she had a little flicker of new hope for her and Matt. She may have even dreamed about their first date that night.

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