The Last Night

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"Come on Annie, I want to see your dress!" Jayden complained as she sat on her bed 3 hours before dinner time. Annie sighed. "Ugh! Fine!" Jayden squealed as Annie gave in and went to pull out her dress and shoes. When Annie stood up, Jayden gasped. "It's beautiful!" Annie rolled her eyes. "Okay, I showed you my dress, now show me yours!" Jayden smiled as she went to pull out her own outfit for the formal night. Annie looked over her own knee-length black flowery dress and black flats. "Okay... here it is!" Jayden proclaimed. "Oh, that's so nice!" Annie said. "Yeah? I really liked the way the green from my grad dress looked, so I chose this one that's around the same shade." Jayden explained. "Ya, I definitely think green is your colour." Annie replied. "I wonder if the other girls would show us their dresses." Jayden said. "Maybe if you don't squeal as much as you did over Annie's..." a voice said from the hallway. "Maddie!" Jayden exclaimed. "Hey, where is everybody else?" Annie asked. "Watching Johnny propose to Kenz." Maddie replied. "What!!??" They both screamed at the same time. Maddie laughed. "I'm just joking. You actually believed that?" She asked. "Not really, but I can still hope." Jayden answered. "So what are they doing actually?" Annie asked. "Johnny's giving her a promise ring." Maddie told them. They both screamed equally as loud as before. "Has he given it to her yet?" Jayden asked. "They just found her so probably not, I came back to get my camera." She explained. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Jayden yelled, grabbing Annie's arm and dragging her along.

Asher was... panicking to say the least. A promise ring? Why did Johnny have to give it to Kenzie now?" Asher had ordered one for Annie and it had just come in the mail. His mom had sent it to his mailbox at camp, and he had been planning to give it to Annie tonight. Maybe after dinner... There was the noise of people running behind him. "Hey!" Annie's voice said from behind him. "There you are!" Asher exclaimed as he laughed nervously. Annie gave him a weird look, but walked closer to the circle of people that was forming. Asher followed with Jayden running past him and shoving people out of the way. Johnny and Kenzie were standing in the middle. Johnny actually got down on one knee, and pulled out a ring, but held it in his hands rather than in a box. "JOHNNY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!??" was the first thing that Kenzie said. They all laughed. "Relax, I'm not actually asking you to marry me." He told her. She seemed to calm down, but was still fidgeting with her fingers a lot. "Mackenzie, since we're definitely not old enough to get married..." he paused to let that soak into. "I want to give you this promise ring. To show that when we are old enough, and ready, we will get married, to each other." Kenzie was smiling a lot, but also looked really nervous. "Y-yes?..." she stopped. "Is that what I say?" She asked. Everyone laughed. "If you choose to take it, then yes, you would say yes." Johnny explained. "Then yes." She said. Johnny stood up and placed the ring on her ring finger, but on her right hand, to show that they weren't actually married. Kenzie pulled him into a big hug. Everyone clapped. "So umm-" Asher stuttered. "I know, right?" Annie interrupted. "Aren't they just the cutest couple you've ever seen?" She asked. "Well, what about us?" Asher asked. "Well..." she trailed off. "Actually I think Monica and Chandler from FRIENDS are the cutest, but Jenzie's pretty up there." "Annie! Come over here!" Jayden shouted from the circle of girls surrounding Kenzie admiring her new ring. "Gotta go! See you at dinner!" She said as she ran over and joined them. "Bye." Asher said after she had run away. "You just gotta do it, man." A voice exclaimed in pride as a hand was played on Asher's shoulder. He turned around to see Johnny. "Oh, easy for you to say." He replied. Johnny held his hands. "As of 2 minutes. But before that, I was just like you." He said. Asher cringed at the way he made it sound like there were a different species or something just because he gave her some ring. "Don't tell anyone, but I actually was planning to give one to Annie tonight." He told him. "That's awesome, bro! So you're gonna do it after dinner, then?" He asked. "Uh... yep. Behind the pool over looking the water." Asher said. "Nice. We'll be there." Johnny said before he left to talk to the rest of the guys. "He talks about himself and Kenzie as if they're the same person" Asher shook his head as he went back to get dressed for dinner.

Back at the girls' cabin, all the girls were all getting ready to take pictures with their friends and boyfriends. "Gracie! Come out and let us see your dress!" Maddie called through the bathroom door. The door opened and Gracie walked out in a mid-length purple dress with off-the-shoulder short sleeves. They all gasped and chattered. "Matt's going to think your gorgeous!" Hayley gushed. "What?" Gracie asked, blushing a little bit. "Oh, come on Gracie. We all know that you guys are head-over-heels in love with each other." Olivia said. Gracie turned even redder. "That's... that's not tru-" "Save it for dad." Sierra cut in. "Nah, I wouldn't worry about that, dad really likes Matt, I'm sure he'll approve." Olivia objected. "You guys need to slow down." Gracie told them. They both crossed their arms. Gracie looked at some of the other girls for backup, but they all seemed to ship her and Matt just as much as her sisters. She caught Maddie's eye and she winked at her. Gracie just looked down.

Around 5:30, everyone gathered at the start of the road that led outside the camp. Many phones were snapping pictures, and even some cameras were out. "Okay everyone! We want to get a picture with all the girls, and then all the boys." Daniella said. Her and Madison were organizing photos with all of the camp. All the girls gathered in one spot, and the boys in another. Annie spotted the director in the distance. "Oh, don't you all look lovely!" The director complimented. "Let's get a photo of everyone." She suggested. Daniella set up the camera on the tri-pod and her, Madison and the director went to get in the picture with everyone else. "Wonderful!" The director said as she clapped her hands together after it was taken. "We will print that out and you will each take home a copy at the end of tomorrow." She explained. "Dinner is in 20 minutes, so you can all take your own pictures until then." She said and then she walked off to her office. "Let's get one of all the Haschack Sisters." Daniella said. Madison, Gracie, Sierra and Olivia all came together and Daniella took a bunch of photos with the camera. "Next let's have Annie and Hayley, then Lauren and Johnny, Ruby and Nadia, Maddie and Kenzie, and Devenity and I." She said. Everyone started to assemble into the groups that had been called into. "We'll make sure that everyone also gets their family photos when you get the group one."
After everyone had finished taking sibling photos, all the girls wanted to take them with their boyfriends. Kenzie with Johnny, Annie with Asher, Danielle with Justin, Devenity with Darius, and Olivia and Sierra managed to convince Gracie and Matt to take one together, "as friends". "Okay everyone, it's six o'clock! Dinner is ready! And Annie, Asher, Matt and Gracie can have seconds of the Oreo cheesecake, since they won the game of manhunt on Monday." Everyone cheered as they headed to the dining hall.

After dinner, Asher asked Annie to sit with him on the bench behind the pool that overlooked the water. When she sat down, Asher stayed standing. "What is it?" She asked. He stayed silent for a moment. "Well... I was a little swayed of if I should do this the same day as Johnny but..." "What! What? No... what's going on?" Annie started to panic. Asher got on one knee and brought out the promise ring just in time for everyone to come running to them from the dining hall. "Sorry we were late! We were just-" "shhhh!" Everyone went silent and waited for them to talk again. "So will you... you know? Wear my promise ring?" He asked. Annie nodded without saying anything. He put the ring on her finger and she kissed him. When he pulled away, he pulled out a plain black ring. "This one is for me." He told her as he put it on his finger. They kissed once more before hugging and smiling at everyone. And that was the last night at Camp: Musical Summers. Now they just had to put on an entire play tomorrow.

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