Dani strikes again

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Dainelle was angry, very angry. Mikey's parents had forced them to end their relationship. Dainelle has always wanted to have "summer romance" sort of thing, so she decided that to get over Mikey, she would have to date someone from summer camp. She ran through a list of all the boys in her head;
Hayden, Johnny, and Asher were taken, which left Darius, Matt and Justin. Darius was cute, but everyone shipped him with Devenity and she could tell they liked each other. Matt obviously liked Gracie, so that left Justin. He was a bit of a player, but he always seemed to be joking. Perfect. Nothing too serious. She got up and did her makeup and hair and set off to get together with Justin.

"Hey! I found another one of my songs!" Johnny shouted while looking through the script as the other boys were getting ready. "Quite the musical genius, huh?" Asher teased. "So who's singing it?" He asked. Johnny shrugged, then he checked. "It's Um... Dien." He told him. Asher's eyes widened. "That's me!" He exclaimed. "I thought your name was Asher?" Justin said from around the corner checking his reflection at the sink. "No, my character is Dien." Asher told him. Justin laughed. "So which one of your famous pieces will I be singing?" Asher asked. "I would give EVERYTHING!" Hayden mock-sang from his bed. Asher looked at Johnny, and Johnny nodded. "Nice." Asher commented. "Guys it's almost 8:30." He informed them. "Shoot. Let's go." Johnny said, and then they all got up and went to put on their shoes.

At breakfast, Dainelle was going to make a move. She was going to sit at the same table as Justin. After they went though the serving room though, there was a problem. There were only 6 chairs at each table and the boys were all at one, talking up the whole table together. But she shook her head and went up to them. She placed her plate down between Justin and Matt, and pulled up a chair. Justin and Matt gave each other a weird look, but didn't argue. "Hi boys! I hope you don't mind me sitting here, all the girls don't seem to like me." She told them. "Shocker." Said Hayden sarcastically. "Oh, Hayden! You're so funny!" She laughed forcefully. Hayden and Johnny shared a look. "So Justin how's your girlfriend?" She asked out of the blue. He had a confused look on his face. "I don't have a girlfriend." He informed her, sounding a little scared. Her face fell in a pretend-ish sad way. She pouted a bit. "Oh, that's too bad, a guy like you I would have thought would have all the girls." She gushed. He smiled a little bit. "Well, maybe a just little bit." He pondered. "Oooo just a little bit." Olivia sang as she walked past over to her table, not knowing what they were talking about. Matt had his arms crossed and was looking angry. "What's wrong Matt?" Danielle asked in a sweet voice. "Jealous I have an interest in Justin more then you? Don't worry, I know for a fact that Gracie likes you, although I would choose myself over her any day." Matt had a disgusted look on his face. "I would never want to hang out with someone like you. And Gracie and I are just friends!" He shouted a little louder than he meant to. Danielle looked shocked. Justin put his arm around her. "Don't worry, Dani. He's just mad that he's too chicken to ask Gracie out." She giggled a little bit and rested her head on his shoulder.

Later that day, they were practicing the scene where Dien and Stefan have their fight right before the tournament. Darius strolled onto the stage with Tegan, Jayden and Lauren behind him. "Why do you even try?" He taunted. Asher gave him a dirty look, struggling not to smile. "Why do you waste your life trying to make him feel bad about himself?" Annie shot back as she emerged behind Asher. "Who's this, your girlfriend?" Darius teased as Stefan looked back at his gang and they all snickered. "No, she's..." Asher started but he was cut off by cackling from Stefan's gang. "The point is... why don't you just back out of the contest like the chicken you know you are, and make this easier on all of us." Stefan told Dien. "He's not backing out of anything!" Annie, as Britney shouted. "Be quiet!" Darius barked at her as Stefan. "Don't talk to her like that!" Dien ordered. Darius laughed and came closer to Asher, as their characters prepared to fight. "Dien... what are you doing?" Britney asked. Darius fake-punched Asher. Tegan, Lauren and Jayden stepped back. "Don't do this!" Annie screamed. Asher turned around and gave her an "I'm sorry" look before he fake-punched Darius in the stomach. Darius stopped and stumbled backwards as his gang ran up to catch him. Suddenly, Justin, as Coach Der ran onto the stage. "Boys! Stop this! The tournament is about to start!" He yelled as Asher and Darius as Dien and Stefan scrambled off-stage. "Britney? What are you doing here?" He asked Annie. "Um... just... looking for you! Found you..." she trailed off. He shook his head and went after the boys.
Applause from the director. "That was perfect!" She told them. "Now let's have the scene with Peyton and Grant and the Jenzie song." She said. "Huh?" Kenzie asked from the seats. "The song you and Johnny have that we're using for Peyton and Grant..." She said as she waved her hand. Gracie and Matt both nervously got up and walked onto the stage. They walked on both in character. "So... What did you want to tell me?" Gracie asked. Matt stayed silent. "Well... for a few months now I've been wanting to tell you something." He started as Grant. "Is this what I think it is?" Gracie, as Peyton asked cautiously. He sighed. "It's like, let's just talk about all the things that we shouldn't talk about. Those kinds of words that would change all the things we talk about." Matt began as Grant as the instrumental version of "What If" began. Then he began to sing Johnny's part in the song. When it got to the chorus, Gracie started in the higher key. When Gracie started singing Kenzie's part, Kenzie cheered her on. When they finished, everyone cheered and clapped. Even Dainelle. "That was amazing!" The director shouted over the noise. When everyone had calmed down, she added onto her earlier comment; "It really had a lot of feeling behind it. I could really feel the chemistry." They both refused to look at each other and turned bright red. "Okay! I think that's a wrap for today. Be at the dining hall for 5:30." She told them.

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