Another One

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That day after practice, the boys were talking. "So Justin you and Danielle, huh?" Johnny asked. Justin shrugged. "What can I say? All the ladies love me." He said with a sly grin. Matt rolled his eyes. "But did it have be The Danielle Cohn?" Matt asked. "She's not that bad, guys." Justin tried to tell them. "She's 4 years younger than you!" Matt shouted. Justin cringed and held up two fingers. "Please, we all know that girl is not 15." Matt told him. Justin crossed his arms and sighed. "Why don't you just go talk to Gracie, so you can go mind your own business with her!" He shouted. "Guys, calm down." Asher told them. Matt looked away. "How about You, Darius?" Johnny asked as he nudged him. "Any camp crushes?" He asked with a funny look on his face. Darius took a breath. "Well I wouldn't really call it a camp crush. I kind of know her outside of camp..." he started. Johnny's face changed. "It better not be my sister." He said angrily. Darius shook his head. "And what if it was? She's pretty." Justin chimed in. Johnny glared at him. "So who is it?" Hayden questioned, not taking his eyes off him. "Devenity." Darius replied without looking up from the ground. There was a chorus of ooos and I knew its. "So when are you gonna ask her out?" Johnny asked. Darius scoffed. "Ask her out!?" He said as if it were the funniest thing he'd ever heard. Johnny and Hayden shared a look. Darius looked back after laughing. "You guys don't understand." He said. "She doesn't like me." They all rolled their eyes. "What!?" He asked looking around. "That is the stupidest thing I've heard all day, and I'm playing an 18 year old kid who thinks he gonna be a bull-riding champion." Asher said. They all laughed. "You guys really think she likes me?" He questioned. "YES!" They all shouted. Darius wanted to believe them, but he wasn't 100% he could. Nevertheless, he decided to try and talk to her sooner or later.

In between dinner and campfire, the kids had some free time. Danielle and Justin were just sitting there laughing about other people, Ashannie and Jenzie were sitting in a circle talking, Nadia, Ruby and Maddie were playing Truth Or Dare, and the others were scattered around. Darius was sitting by Matt looking over at Devenity and Gracie. "Just do it, man." Matt told him. Darius jumped a little bit. "Lost in thought?" Matt asked. Darius nodded slowly. "What did you say?" He asked. "I said you should just do it." Matt repeated. Darius laughed. "I could say the same for you." Matt looked away. "It just feels too soon, you know?" He started. "I just broke up with Kate... well, she broke up with me." Darius' eyes lit up. "That's it!" Matt looked confused. "Huh?" Darius sat up straighter. "Kate broke up with you, right?" He asked. "Ya, thanks for rubbing it in." Matt said. Darius rolled his eyes. "Girls can break up with guys, and they can also ask out guys, so why don't you just wait for Gracie to ask you out?" He explained. Matt waved his hands. "First of all, I thought we were talking about how you were going to ask Devenity out, not me and Gracie." Darius sighed. "I'm trying to help." Matt crossed his arms. "Fine. But I don't really think Gracie would ever ask me out. She's the kind of girl that likes the guy to do the asking and stuff like that and protect her or whatever." Darius gave Matt a look. "What?" He asked. "You seem to have given this a lot of thought." Matt blushed and looked away.

At campfire, everyone was pretty "couply" Ashannie was sitting together, So was Jenzie, Tayden (My Ship Name for Tegan and Hayden idk) and Jainelle (Justin and Danielle) "Okay. I do it, you do it." Darius suggested. Matt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. "I don't know." Darius rolled his eyes. "You guys are friends, it won't be weird." He encouraged Matt. "But that's just it, I want her to know that we can be more than friends." Darius paused for a moment to think. "I know! You can do that classic yawn arm thing." He told him. "Ya, right, maybe I should just accept that I'm caught up in the friend, caught up, caught up in the friend zone." Matt sang the ending part. Gracie turned around from where she was sitting with Sierra and Olivia. "Can you believe that was 3 years ago?" She asked. Darius met eyes with Matt. "I know! Time really flies." He answered as he got up and sat down beside Gracie. Darius came to his senses after seeing Johnny staring at him. "Your turn." He mouthed. Darius took a deep breath. He walked over to Devenity, Nadia, Lauren and Jenna. He walked over next to Devenity. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked. Devenity looked up, a little surprised. "Y-Yeah... I mean... no! I don't- I mean we don't-" "You can sit here." Lauren interjected. He smiled and sat down next to Devenity. She looked away and tried to talk to Lauren. "Are you okay?" Darius asked her. She turned her head to face him. "You seem a little... on edge." She blushed. "I just-" "really like you." Nadia jutted in. Devenity spun around to face her. "That was easier than I thought." Darius laughed. "I told you!" Lauren shouted at Devenity, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Huh?" Devenity and Darius both asked at the same time. "You guys like each other." Jenna stated. "Umm." Darius started. "We all know Devenity likes Darius." Lauren announced. Johnny sat up straighter. "And we all know Darius likes Devenity!" He shouted. Everyone started yelling and cheering. "Is that true?" Darius asked. "Do you... like me?" She nodded and a smile broke across Darius' face. "I like you too." He did the classic yawn arm thing making sure that Matt would see that it worked and she rested her head on his shoulder.

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