A Window

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Tuesday started out as any regular day at camp for Matt. Waking up, the hardest part arguably, expect not today, because after breakfast, rehearsal for the acting, lunch, and rehearsal for the dance numbers, at free time, he got a call. From Kate. "Hey Kate, how's it going." He greeted through his phone as they were all sitting in the sun on the grassy field. Gracie looked down. "Is that your girlfriend?" Johnny asked. Matt nodded. "Who is that?" Kate asked. "Oh it's just my friend from camp, he just wanted to know if I was talking to you, my beautiful girlfriend." He explained. Maddie looked over at a defeated Gracie. Matt's face fell, and then he became angrily confused. "What is it?" Darius questioned. "Are you serious right now!?" Math shouted into his phone as he got up and started to walk away from the group. Olivia and Sierra were whispering to each other. "What's happening?" Annie asked Asher. "I don't know!" He replied. "I do." Maddie said with a sly smile on her face. "What did you do!?" Kenzie asked her sister, a little louder than she intended to. Maddie shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't do anything, but I can sure guess what she did." Kenzie looked confused. "Who?" She asked. "Kate, of course, his girlfriend!" Maddie told them all. They all looked up to Matt storming back to them with his phone in his hand, and Maddie made eye-contact with Gracie. "What did she say?" Justin asked. Matt shook his head and plopped down next to him. "She met some guy on the tour her family is on-" "Ya but she'll never she him again after-" "He's from L.A" Everyone went silent. "Well shoot." Darius finally said. They all sat in silence for a few minutes before Maddie decided to go back to the cabin. "Gracie. Come with me, will you?" She asked, but it didn't sound much like a question. Gracie sighed and followed her, not wanting to be around Matt right now. When they got back, Maddie sat down on her bed. Gracie tried not to look at her. "Why are you sad? He broke up with his girlfriend!!" Maddie exclaimed. "But don't you feel bad for him?" Gracie asked. "It makes me feel worse seeing how upset he is that they're over." She continued. "Well you're going to make it all better." Maddie told her. "What!?" Gracie questioned. "Yep. You're going to let him complain about it, remind him about all the bad things about her, and he'll slowly realize how perfect you are for him!" She explained. "I don't know..." Maddie rolled her eyes. "Do you want Matt to like you or not?" She asked. "I do! but.... It just kind of feels like manipulating him..." Gracie trailed off. "Fine then. Do it your way. But don't blame me if he ends up thinking you don't care-" "Like seriously! Y'all are so perfect with your boyfriends and stuff and then I'm just a forever alone ugly potato!" Maddie stopped and raised an eyebrow. "Lauren?" She asked. "Oh, hey Maddie." Lauren greeted as she came inside and walked towards her and Gracie. "Who were you talking to?" Gracie asked. "Kenzie and Annie. They're putting their shoes away." She explained while motioning to the door. Maddie nodded. "Well, if it means anything to you, I don't think you're and ugly potato." She told her. Lauren laughed. Kenzie walked in "Thank you Maddie." She said to her sister before turning to Lauren. "You'll find someone I'm sure." "Ya, you're just too good for everyone." Annie chimed in as she appeared. Lauren smiled. "Thanks Guys." "So what's going on?" Kenzie asked Maddie. "Oh, nothing. Gracie and I were just... chatting." Kenzie raised an eyebrow, but then walked into the bigger room with all the beds. She sat down across from Annie and underneath Lauren, who was sitting on her bunk. "Knowing her, that means something very suspicious." Kenzie told them. They all laughed.

That night at dinner, Matt was looking very sad, and Gracie wanted with all her heart to make him feel better, she didn't want to do it just because she liked him, she genuinely felt bad for him, and she kept thinking back to what Maddie said, and what if someone else swooped in and stole him for her? Maybe she should just try and help him, as long as she had good intentions, it was okay, right?
And so when they were finished eating, she cautiously approached him. "Hey, Matt." He looked up and gave a sad smile when he saw her. "Hey, Gracie." She took a deep breath. "I'm really sorry to hear about you and Kate, that sucks." He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." She eyed him. "Matt, it's just me, we've known each other for years, you don't have to act like it doesn't matter to you." He looked her in the eyes for a few moments, and she started to get nervous and fidgety. "Thanks, Gracie. You never fail to brighten peoples' days." She blushed a little. He stood up from his chair and gave her a hug. She hugged him back, trying not to hug him too tight. "So um, I think we're going to play some "camp classic" game or something tonight." She told him. "Oh ya, it's something like capture the flag right?" He asked. "You got it." A voice said from behind them. They turned around to Madison with a clipboard in her hand and Daniella walking close by. "What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be at the field with everybody else?" Madison asked teasingly. Gracie gave her a look. "I guess I just took a little longer to finish." Matt explained. "And Gracie too, Huh?" Madison mused. Gracie held her breath. "What a coincidence." She laughed and then ran off to the director, with Daniella following her.

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