Tree house Talks

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On Monday morning, when it was time to practice the finale with everyone, the director noticed something off. "Um, can I have Danielle, Justin, Matt and Gracie do the choreography?" She asked. Everyone sat down except for the four. When they were done, the director's face was in her hands. Matt and Gracie gave each-other a scared look. "What's wrong?" Danielle asked. "The order for the bows goes; the main four, Britney and Dien, the rest of the supporting roles, and then the extras. Not the other way around. Then everyone comes together and does the side-step snap, side-step snap, spin; the girls turn around to the right with the right hand on the hip and the other arm up, and the boys turn around to the left with arms crossed, then everyone clumps together in the front-center stage for the big bow." By the end of this, Matt and Gracie were glaring at Justin and Danielle. "You taught us the wrong choreography!?" Matt yelled at Justin. Justin shrugged. "Sorry." Matt shook his head. "Whatever, just... work on it later today." The director told them. "Okay! Now let's move on to our "Little Things" scene with Rowan and Peyton. Gracie and Kenzie stepped up onto the stage.

That night, the director announced that they would be playing manhunt for a prize. The last people left at the end of the game would get to have seconds of the famous Oreo Cheesecake served at the camp on Thursday, formal night. "I don't think any of you have ever spent a summer here before, so let me tell you that we use our secret recipe, and if you ask any of the staff here, they'll tell you that it is the best thing that has ever been served at camp, and possibly even in all of existence." There were a few laughs at that, but mostly excitement, some for the food, and some just for the game. "Who wants to be it?" She questioned. A bunch of hands shot up. "I need two. Preferably a boy and a girl." Everyone stood there patiently, waiting, like the way they had learned since pre-school, the people sitting quietest and stillest would be chosen. "Let's have... Johnny and Mackenzie." she decided. All the hands went down and Johnny and Kenzie high-fived. "You will have 5 minutes to find your hiding place. You must not go out on the road to my left, you can't go into the parking-lot behind me, don't go past or try to climb over any of the fences" Everyone laughed. "and if you go into the forest, don't go past the camp boundary sign." they all nodded or agreed with something like "okay". "And... 3,2,1 go!" She shouted as she hit a button on her watch to count down their time to hide. "I'll announce over the P.A. system when the game begins. You'll hear it." She yelled to the kids who seemed to be running in a hundred different directions. Music starting playing over the speaker very loudly as Johnny and Kenzie sat down with their hands over their eyes. The song "2002" by Anne-Marie was blaring. "Oops! I got 99 problems singing bye, bye bye!" Kenzie sang softly. "Hold-Up!" Johnny interrupted. Kenzie looked over at him and laughed. The bridge began to play, and Johnny stood up and held his hand out to Kenzie. She took it and joined him. "Paint a picture for you and me of the days when we were young, singing at the top of both our lungs, on the day we fell in love." They began dancing around in a circle. Johnny spun Kenzie around and she smiled. They were both laughing when the director announced over the P.A. system that the 5 minutes was up.

When Asher heard the announcement that Johnny and Kenzie were now running around trying to tag them, he realized that him and Annie hadn't actually found a place to hide. "The big tree house is right there!" Annie told him as she pointed towards a pathway through the trees. Together they ran across the path and up the stairs of the tree house. There were two shaking bridges on either side of the platform they were standing on that each led to wooden doors connected to a big room, and a ladder that went up to an even higher platform that was a sort of lookout point. "Let's go up." Asher suggested. "Why? Then they'll be able to see us more easily." "Not if we keep our feet from dangling down, and we can lie down when we spot them coming, which we'll be able to do more easily from here. Then when they go into one of the rooms, we can run down the stairs and get out of here." He explained. Annie smiled. "You're so smart." she said as she followed him up to the top. A few minutes after sitting up there, Annie heard running. "It's not Kenzie and Johnny." Asher told her as he looked down. "Who is it?" Annie asked. "Matt and Gracie." Asher replied. Annie smiled to herself. And, why, oh why, would they just so happen to be hiding together? "But they might be it." Asher reminded her. They both lay down on the platform each on either side of the hole for the ladder. "Do you think they'll find us here?" Gracie asked. Matt shrugged. "I mean, it's pretty far into the forest. We saw the camp boundary sign when we went onto this path." He said. "You're right, maybe we should go up there." Gracie suggested. "So we can have a better vantage point." Matt agreed and so they started to head up the ladder. "Looks like someone had the same idea as us." Asher said as he sat up, causing Gracie to almost let go of the ladder and fall down. "Are you it?" She asked. "I don't know..." Annie said as she sat up with a mischievous smile. "We aren't." Asher clarified. "Oh, come on!" Annie playfully exclaimed. "So, can we sit up here?" Gracie asked. "Sure, if you can fit." Annie answered. Gracie climbed up with Matt following her. Asher moved around to sit beside Annie, and Gracie and Matt awkwardly sat together, all allowing their feet to dangle through the spot in the platform where there was no wood. "So... You guys live in Atlanta, right?" Annie asked. They nodded. "That's cool." "And you live in L.A., right?" Gracie asked Annie. "Well... actually our house in Maryland is probably all set up by now." Annie explained. "Are you going straight there after camp?" Gracie questioned. Annie shook her head. "We're going back for the long weekend, just to get our last few things and hand off the keys to the new owner. Then on Sunday morning we're getting on the plane." She told them. "And you don't live L.A., do you?" Matt asked Asher. "No, I live in Phoenix." He answered. Matt nodded. "So when did you two start dating?" Matt asked. Gracie raised an eyebrow surprised that he would be interested in that kind of thing. Annie smiled as she looked at Asher. "We officially started dating on Valentine's Day." she said. "He sent me a super expensive rose basket." she recalled as she rested her head on his shoulder. "How about you guys?" Asher asked as he motioned between Gracie and Matt. They both shook their heads. "Oh we're not-" "We're just" "No" were some of the many things that both Matt and Gracie managed to stutter out. "Oh, well. The sooner you admit you like each other, the longer you have to enjoy being together." Asher said before he lifted Annie's head off of his shoulder and tilted her chin up to kiss her. Matt and Gracie both awkwardly squirmed and looked the other direction, pretending not to hear what he just said.

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