Chapter 22: Test

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Jungkook continues to aim at the same spot and shoots. He's getting better and better everyday.

But still Naeun is not herself. Jungkook may sometimes catch her daydreaming or even sleep in class.

After that night... She became more different...


"Jungkook, let's stop."

I looks at her and stops firing the gun.


"Let's stop.. shooting like this everyday isn't gonna make you any better."

She says starting to walk away.

"You're kidding me right?"

"Does it look like I am?"


I pulled her arm back but she tackles ny right which leads me down to the ground.

"What was that for?!"

I said dusting off the dirt off my body..

" As I said, Shooting all day doesn't do anything. And where you are, just on the ground."

She shouts and continue to go farther away.

"Naeun wait!"

I grabbed her again but she does the same thing again.


"Again, on the ground! Jungkook you're not good enough!! "

What is wrong with her today?!

"Soo you really want me tell the hyungs that you are still planning on to attack your Uncle?!"

"Tell them!! I don't care!!"

Again I try to grab and she was about to attack me but I was able to stop her.

But then she kicks my other leg.

which again on the ground.

"Nice try.... shithead"

??? POV

"Sir no signs of her making a move yet."

He laughs and blows on to his cigarette.

"Relax.... she may be having fun with her brothers like... a normal kid should be."

"But you know she isn't normal right?"

He flips his chair and chokes the man.

"I don't care if she is not normal. I don't damn care if she is not doing anything yet... And I don't dammit fucking care about your reports about her CAUSE I KNOOOW. She will be here soon!!!"

He then lets go of the man's throat, leaving him coughing on the floor.

" She'll come for him..... I could feel it. "


" Okay class is over, remember to pass all your homeworks tomorrow on my desk!"

The teacher slams her books down and leaves the room

"Damn, what made Ms. Mad-a-lot get more mad?"

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