Part 1

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The sound of water trickling over rocks brings a chill over me as I lay naked, beaten and dying all alone in bushes along a river bed it's dark very dark, My voice is gone from all the screaming and begging my throat feels like sand paper when I try to swallow, the taste of my blood fills my mouth, my head is pounding so bad. My almost lifeless body has begun slowly shutting down. No one will find me out here and no one would care too. I feel a warm tear roll down my cheek, people say that your last thoughts are of happy time with family and friend but my case is different, I have no happy memories only those of my time spent in my secret garden , I have no real family my mother gave me up for adoption at birth and the state has no information at all on my biological father. The faster parent who I live with don't pay me any attention as long as they get their payment each month from the system they happy to ignore me completely and as for friend never had any, I am shy
and like to keep to myself so no one has tried to get to know me and I haven't tried to get to know anyone either it's just makes my life easier . My eyes close hopefully for the last time the pain is to much death would be god sent, darkness takes over as I let go of life.

My name is AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now