Part 2

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Its a warm summers morning as I head out to school, its a mile that I have to walk so it's enough time to go over my home work, we have a test on biology today and I am so excited it's one of my favourite subjects, I love nature its so special and understanding it makes it so much more exciting. While walking alone the lonely road to school my eye catches a pink and green seed laying on the ground, oh I collect seeds so naturally I am intrigued and I pick it up and place it in my Jean pocket.

I reach the school gate and sneak peeks from under my untied  hair to see if Cindy and her glam clang are around hopefully today she will have something better to do then to harass me, I really don't know what I have done to her but since I started at this school two years ago she won't leave me alone every day is a new hell with her.

I quickly walk in not spotting her anywhere and walk to the girls bathroom before entering I check and it's clear no one in there. I wash my hands and splash my face to cool off then tie my hair up in a ponytail not to cause the teacher to ask me to take it out my face , OK Annie you got this I say to myself like every other day you going to get through this day. Just then the bathroom door slams open and Cindy, Jane and Britney walk in laughing I try to go unnoticed by dropping my head and trying to walk out quickly but it's no use Cindy orders Britney and Jane to grab hold of me, they push me hard against the wall and my head slams hard against it causing me to groan from the pain.


And where the fuck you going orphan Annie I shout in the little know it all's face, she looks down never making eye contact, I grab her jaw and move it upwards but she still keeps her eyes facing down, I love the way her face heats up when she is confronted what do they call it again oh yes blushing ahhh how cute Jane look the little orphan is blushing for me I laugh out loud and so do Britney and Jane. I hate her she always has to get top scores on her tests and make me look like a dumb ass so I'll make her life hell just like she does mine everyday.
I grab her long blond ponytail and Jane hands me the scissors that I made her pack for the lesson I chose to teach the little nerd today, I cut her whole ponytail off with a few snips, her blond locks land on the floor ah what a waste I say, Britney spits her gum out onto it. I laugh then spit in Annie's face and we leave the bathroom to head to class before the bell rings .


I beg Cindy not to cut my hair and try hard to escape Jane and Britney's grip but I am tiny compared to them and unable to fight them off, I feel my face heat up as she chops away at my hair till the ponytail falls off and to the floor I feel my tears threaten to flow, after she spits in my face and laughs at me along with Jane and Britney they leave, I quickly rush to the cubicle and shut the door holding my mouth closed with my hands not to let my cries to be heard and let the tears pour from my eyes. after a while I take some deep breaths and calm myself down, I am late for class so I stay till the next bell is rung and leave to make my next class problem is Cindy and her friends will be in that class most of my classes actually this is my daily deal I am handed and I know that there is no way out but to just get each day over with. I keep my head down as I walk to class kids all around me are laughing and maybe it's not at me but it feels like they are all laughing at me, my chest begins to feel heavy and my breathing becomes less as I fight my way to class as quick as I can, I take my seat but feel Mr St Clairs eyes on me. I don't dare look up as then he would want to talk and he knows by now that I am one with very few words, none of my teachers try talk to me anymore and I am very happy not to have them try it just makes my life more hellish. Mr St clair hands the test papers out and as he places mine on my desk in front of me he pats my shoulder and walks on passing out test papers. An hour passes and we have all completed our tests the bell rings and it's break time, I quickly pack up and scurrying out of class and down the corridor towards the back of the school, I open the door at the end of the corridor and the fresh air fills my lungs it's so welcoming the sun warms up my pale skin and I walk and sit under the big willow tree, I sit here every break because no one come out this side. I sit against the hard bark of the tree and watch the birds making nest and just wish to myself that I was free just like them I close my eyes and imagine all the things I would do and a smile breaks across my face as I think of flying away from this place an hour later the bell rings and I have a few more classes then the day is over and I can leave this hell only to return again tomorrow and face new challenges.

My name is AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now