Part 3

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The day is finally over as the ringing of the bell allows the corridors to fill with student, lockers shut and open as I walk out of class and out of school. My walk is not long before I take the grassy path off the road and towards my only freedom, I found this abandoned building a few years ago and have made the top level my secret garden, I spend every afternoon there feeding the birds, looking after and studying my growing wonders, sketching them as they grow yes sketching is something else I am good at and enjoy but most of all I love the sunsets here, in summer the afternoon sun set is amazing the sky changes all sorts of oranges then becomes purple and shades of dark blue as the sun disappears for the day.
I walk up the winding stair case and right to the top that over looks the lush green valley and river below something about being up here gives me the sense of freedom it's quiet only the chipping of birds can be heard but its so peaceful . I sit down and remove my little seed I picked up this morning on the way to school I am excited to see what this seed will become so I find a patch of soil in the old tub that was left here and gently place it into the ground then cover it and sprinkle some water I collected in some tin cans that some kids left down at the river further down the road. Time to enjoy the sun on my skin I lay down facing the bright blue sky and watch the clouds pass by then my mind drifts off to today's event, its only hair Annie it will grow back I say to myself while running my finger thru it and feeling the loss of length it's was, at least I won't have to explain what happened to my hair to my Foster parents they would already be drunk by now and I don't think they have ever noticed weather my hair is long or short so that's a relief not having to deal with them asking questions like any normal kid would have too so I guess that's one good thing in my life I let out a sigh as
I lay back and my eyes become heavy and I drift off to sleep.

My skin feels damp and the cold wakes me up its dark out already I quickly look at my watch on my wrist oh my gosh its 19:00pm it's so late I should have been home by now how did I sleep so long I wonder then quickly divert my thought and scamper as quick as I can down the stairs and out of the building, reaching the road I start to jog to make up time an hour later I reach home it's a dimly lite wooden two story house with no lawn just sand and old cars park here and there my Foster father fixes cars to make extra money but most stay here till they rot away.

I enter the door and run up the stairs and into my room shutting the door I throw my back pack down, I take out some clothes to sleep in and head to the shower once done I walk back to my room drying my hair with the towel.
I sit at my desk complete my home work and then assess my looks now in the mirror hanging on the wall, wow I have never see myself with short hair before it looks Ok it's not cut straight but it looks OK I guess.
Laying in bed I begin to drift off to sleep when my bedroom door slams open.


Where you at you little bitch I say as I stumble into her room, you just keep taking and not earning your way here if it wasn't for you I would have much better things to spend my money on I shout as I lean down and lift her covers off her and begin touching her forming body.


Greg my Foster father comes into my room and removes my thin blanket then places his grubby hands on my chest touching me in places I don't like him to but I don't do anything I just lay there too afraid to move, his hands move down to my shorts and he moves his hand up and down in between my legs I shut my eye tightly closed as he continues to do this then all of a sudden his wet mouth is on mine and I frantically move my head to the sides to avoid his mouth having contact with mine, his breath stinks of booze and it makes me feel sick.


Greg you old fuck get your fat ass down here and take out the trash I shout from the bottom of the staircase, I know you with your little whore you think I am stupid you fat fuck.


Soon little girl I will take what you owe me I say as I touch her little cunt, soon I will make you scream for daddy I tell her placing my mouth on her plump lips tasting her sweat taste of her lips then leave her room and head back down to fat bitch Nancy.


As soon as my door is re shut I grab the glass of water next to my bed and run to my window wash my mouth off, I spit the water out and it lands on Greg's bold head as he exits the front door, I quickly duck back into my window and giggle to myself, that's what you get you dirty old fart I say. I run and lock my door and jump into bed pulling the covers over my head.

My name is AnnieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora