Part 4

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Morning comes to quick, the sunlight sends rays of light into my room the wall cast shadows from the pealing light blue wall paper on the walls, I blink a few time then roll over and tap my alarm off, I lay there for a while watching the shadows on the wall not wanting to get out of bed and face the world outside today but I pull myself out of bed and take a pair of baggy faded blue jeans out and a oversized t shirt and head to the shower, the house is quiet as I walk down the passage and into the bathroom I lock the door as I enter and undress then climb inside the shower, the warm water squirts out over my face and I enjoy the feeling of it rushing over my body. Once done I brush my teeth and get dressed and head down stairs to the kitchen , I grab some bread and make a sandwich with peanut butter and jelly and leave for school.

Walking into school I don't see Cindy or her friends I quickly go to the girls bathroom and do my morning thing by splashing my face and washing my hands, I clips my hair back and out of the way so that my face is free from my short curls then head for my first class, my head down not to be noticed I quickly walk towards the class, suddenly I hit what felt like a brick wall and drop all my books, I get down on all fours and quickly try picking up my stuff up when I hear the voice that terrifies me to my core it's Cindy.


Oh I see you met little miss orphan Annie Jake? Annie is our school nerd who isn't worth the air she breaths I say as I step onto what looks like her home work sheet and closer to Jake I wrap my arm around Jake St Claire, Mr St Claire's from our biology class son's shoulders Come Jake let's go I say and tug at him, she'll be fine won't you little orphan Annie I say with a giggle.


Hey I am so sorry Annie right I stick out my hand to introduce myself but the girl doesn't notice here let me help you I say and start to lower myself but Cindy pulls me up telling me we going to be late and we should go. I look back at the girl named Annie and she is scurrying around trying to collect her things she glances up at me and she is beautiful with her pale skin and green eyes and her blond curls, she quickly looks away and Cindy tugs at me to leave, I smile at the girl before walking off to class.


I don't even bother looking up to see his face why should I it's not like I will be noticed by him but then a voice so gentle and calm unlike I have ever heard asks me to let him help me like who is this guy no one has bothered before so I glance up and I meet with the most beautiful light blue eyes I have ever seen my face heats up and I quickly look down and carry on trying to collect my stuff as Cindy becomes his distraction and pulls him away and they leave, the bell rings and I rush to my first class it's English a with miss Oliver she seems nice but then again I don't really pay to much attention to who she is just to what she teaches.

The class drags on and I wonder to myself who this new guy Jake is, oh well what does it matter any ways the bell rings and I go to my next class and the day goes by eventually just one last class with Mr St clair and we done for the day. I take a deep breath in and let it out as I enter the class knowing Cindy will be there.
I take my seat and Mr St clair tells the students to quiet down as he would like to introduce his son no other then the guy from this morning Jake St clair I face palm myself in my mind things couldn't just be normal could they I say to myself. I lift my head and take a quick glance he is tall but built like aqua man with black hair in a side style he is so good looking he smiles straight at me and I duck my head down acting like I am digging in my bag for something, my face heats up and I know by now it must be blood red from embarrassment of him looking straight at me and me stupid me had to look up at that moment. Class gets on its way by Mr St clair giving out the test scores Cindy 35%, Julie 46%, Jade 34%, Annie full score as usual good job he announces to the whole freaking class like I need the attention when all I want to do is fade into the background and left alone. After a fourth minutes the bell rings and school is over for today and all I want to do is get the hell out of here as fast as I can.


Dad what do you know about Annie the shy girl in your biology class?

Mr St clair:

Well jake she is a shy girl as you already have picked up, she has had a rough life, she was given up for adoption when she was born and has been in the care of Mr and Mrs frazer since but the both like the booze and there has been some rumors of Mr frazer getting on the bad side of the law, not very good people if you ask my opinion. They live a mile outside of town real run down place.

Jake :

Mmmm sad that she ended up with people like that, that might explain why she is so shy. How old is she?

Mr St clair:

It is a big she she has such a brilliant brain on her shoulders she scores full marks on every subject she takes very clever girl that is, she turns 17 next week actually why the interest son?

Jake :

Just asking she ran into me literally on the way to class today and dropped all her books and just noticed that she is different to all the other girls and very pretty too.

My name is AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now